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~Wolf Cry~

Cry, the wolf for His life's mate.
Searchingly, peering gaze into the darkness.
Howling in anguish pains piercing the stillness.
Cry, for His life's mate departing, loneliness.
Bellowing vibrations echoing through the forest.
Hoping She might return, thoughtfully.
My heart is pure in words spoken, Her name.

Am I doomed a life of loneliness, separated?
A chance to witness Her inner soul with a glance.
Am I destined to this life of pain and sorrow?
A chance to touch, it's been a long long time.
Am I not worthy of LOVE everlasting?
A chance to share in all things meaningfully.

Cry the wolf for His life's mate.
Searching, anguishingly howling, departing.
Hoping She will return with His name spoken.
Doomed not a life of loneliness apart.
One glance within Her eyes to see the TRUTH.
My love returned inkind, one of a pair.
Mated as companions for life, and the wolf cries.



The Enchanted Forest is the color of nature's glory,
Between the tall timber, light befall the silence.
Greeting the spirit of the forest's reverie,
And the shadows of the night are slowly escaping.
Smells of evergreen invading my senses.

These are my impressions of the Enchanted Forest.

My spirit ascends to lofty destinations,
And the wind confides within the sheltering tree.
Rustling the leaves in passing, freedom flies,
Abide within the forest's peacefulness, rest,
Linger for a moment feeling protected.

These are my impressions of the Enchanted Forest.

Mother Nature, dwells here Her heartbeating,
Always calling me back to return safely.
To the heartbeat of our Mother's side,
Where we share a peace of harmony together,
Overwhelmed by fond memories aromatically.

These are my impressions of the Enchanted Forest.

Luvwolf, seek the wisdom from within, and all goodness...E O Mai....


~G's Circles

Starhoku's Websites~Native American Links~~The Prettiest Flower In The Garden~Dee's Gestures

~World Peace~

~World Peace.....Now~

North American Wolf Association
Please Visit NAWA


You are Kindred Spirit

July 5, 1998