She rose from the ocean
like an avenging sea goddess
with her hair aflame
and her eyes alive.
She came to lie beside you
between the silken sheets
of the greenest grass
and the coolest breeze.
She draped her hair
across your chest
and her soul
across your eyes;
and through the darkness
came her whisper,
"I am yours."
You found yourself wondering
how you'd come to this pass.
How it was that you
were the sacrifice on her altar,
and would it hurt to die...
But she beguiled you with her form
and distracted you with her plea,
that whisper,
"I am yours."
So you gave her your soul
willingly, lovingly, reverently.
You lay it at her feet
and this time when she cried
through the darkness
she heard you whisper,
"I am yours."
by monalisa
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You are Kindred Spirit
August 13, 1998