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~This Way Again~

Sorrow from the Native flute of old, it sings,
So many story inside, so many history inside.
A penetrating cutting edge, wounds deeply,
Tears line the red trail of sad times.

The past, now, and the future,
Sorrow laden, many tears of destruction.
A call from the past, so long ago,
But now so long ago, for sorrow has come again.

Remember love ones who have passed this way,
Look upon the tears of yesterday's sons and daughters.
The fallen are many at the wayside, broken hearted,
I do not worry about the end, for it will come.

Troubled I am for the living, for surely We will pass,
This day our Mother Earth stops breathing.
Killing, wasteful, death to her, Earth Mother,
Tears, this way again, heart's sorrow.

by starhoku

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July 7, 1998