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~E O Mai~

Waimanalo, Oahu

So many life situations and memories carry like waves, in and out to sea over and over again.  We try to go with the flow for that is the only thing we can do.  If we push against the flow we find ourselves locked in a never ending struggle for control.  In my attempts to go with the flow I compose poetry in constant motion, and that helps me stay balanced.  I am not perfect in anyway, but I try to find that inner peace that is so necessary for my well being.  At times I struggle to find it so badly that I overlook the many little pleasures that speak directly to my heart.  Before, I use to not pay attention at all, but today the recovery time for acceptance of life's little pleasures are shorten.  Shorten to the point of day to day occurrences in this, my life.

~A Beautiful Poem~

You, have broaden my horizon,
A moment of kissing in paradise,
Beyond the words.

You, have revealed your inner most self,
Like the gentle rain that falls, overwhelming,
Enchanting mist.

You, holding my attention to the finer details,
Through different dimensions we create,
Two hearts in sync.

WE, harmonies and serenades in rhapsody,
Colors, yellow and golden hues fulfilled by pure light,
Love so divine.

Unmistakably refine, poised in grandeur,
A dimension that can disconnect, unknowingly,
But can not seperate.

OUR spirit, the spirit of LOVE, immortal,
Where we kiss forever, locked in embrace,
Frozen in time.

While the moon is smiling on us together,
Like a kiss from the sky, we receive it nicely,
LOVE, a beautiful poem.

With my love and the greater understanding for goodness sake, and love is the reason.........E O Mai...


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You are Kindred Spirit

July 13, 1998