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When it comes to movies, I really don't go out to the movies theater a lot and spend my money to watch the newest flick. I usually just wait until the movies comes out on video to watch what everybody is rambling about. But I guess it really helps when your girlfriend has a cable box that gets all the cool pay per view channels(and the nasty channels too!). So that makes it really easy not to pay top dollar for two hours of visual entertainment.

So, what type of movies do you like to watch?

Well, in terms of movies, it's pretty cut and dry on the type of movies I like. COMEDY. I don't know. I like other types of movies like the action type. I enjoyed watching CON AIR, EXECUTIVE DECISIONS, and ANACONDA but there's just something missing. I have no problem watching other movies, but when it comes down to me paying seven bucks to watch a movie in a room with a bunch of strangers, comedies easily make it easier to break my wallet.

So what's your favorite movie?

Well, this is another easy one. There is almost no movie in the world that could come close to this movie: Happy Gilmore. This is easily my favorite movie in the entire world! I mean, come on. With lines like "Somebody's closer." or "When I broke it(a rake), I was just testing it's durability. And I threw it in the woods 'cause since its made outta wood, I wanted it to be with its family." Isn't that hilarious?

My other favorites of all time include Pulp Fiction (which one's your wallet?),Major League, Dumb and Dumber, Romeo and Juliet, The Joy Luck Club (hey, they're practically Filipino), the entire Star Wars Trilogy, the entire Indiana Jones movies(hey, Han Solo and Indy are practially the same character!) and Big.

My Music Favorites
My television favorites
My entertainment *H!T List(and I don't mean hit list)
