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Hello everyone, it's us Natalie, Jon, and Megan we are your Super-Amazing Camp CO-Chairs, we will be running camp, and will try to make this weekend the best camp you will ever have been to.

This weekend consists of lots of fun, games, slave auction, hosted breakfasts, a service project, a movie and best of all, soaring all night long at the dance! So campers beware, this is a weekend to celebrate the end of exams and the beginning of many new friendships.

A basic run down of the main events for this weekend are as follows:
For Your Meals:


At camp each group hosts a breakfast ( which are judged) on either Saturday or Sunday, you provide the food and it must be original, and to go with the theme of camp.

What do you mean by Hosted Breakfasts?
Well if you are a group of 8 people you would host 8-10 people on top of your own group. Therefor the total being 16-18 people eating breakfast. If you are hostingon Saturday then you will be a guest for breakfast on Sunday, and if you are hosting onSunday you will be a guest for breakfast on Saturday. Lists will be posted in Gibbs Lodge Friday upon arrival stating which day you are hosting or being hosted. ( group sare being formed randomly and cannot be changed).


Saturday lunch is Hot dogs- which are provided by you ( you need to bring enough hot dogs and buns to feed your group) and will be cooked by us. Sunday lunch is provided by us and eaten by you.


Saturday dinner is provided and cooked by us, and eaten by you.


is the cakes made and decorated by you in the afternoon, after they have been judged. Each group is expected to participate in the cake decorating contest. Cake mixes and icing sugar will be provided by us. You need to provide mixers for the cake mix, food colouring, funky cake pans, or decorations. Cakes are to reflect the theme of the camp and are not to be store bought. ( No Ex-Lax or any other substances are to be added as "special ingredients." They will not be tolerated).


There will be snacks available on Friday and Saturday nights. If you want any other snacks or cookies on your site please provide them yourself. NOTE: There are to be no peanut product whatsoever at camp due to severe allergies.

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This page is maintained by Jesse Martin, 25th Nepean Rovers. Email: