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:) My IRC Friends :)

This is going to be a compilation of my friends fron IRC, as many with pictures as possible.


This is a picture of Naomi_Joy. She was my very first IRC friend, other than a real life friend that introduced me to IRC. She means the WORLD to me, you can find her in #CaringChat, as she is the owner and operator. A great person to talk to with any problems very non-judgmental, and a great listening ear. Did I mention she gives GREAT HUGGERS?!?!? :) Also, did you notice the super cute kids???


Well, I guess Alyan comes next, as she is the God mother of those great children. Aylan is also a great listening ear... maybe they learned this trait from eachother? All I know is that she has the cuddliest ele's in the world (All 137 of them) and they eat my tyops thankfully, I am sure I have them stockpiled for years.... =)


And here we have..... Skreyola! The man that appreciates order, but is also a great listening ear. He is an op in #Christian_Singles, and spends almost as much time in there as I do, if not more. He is fun to be around, and has a hefty collection of wavs and mids... BUT one day mine will be BIGGER.. if he doesn't leach them all!!!


There Shanny... quit complaining :) hehehe. Anyway, this is a much nicer pic of my really cool friend Shanny!!!!!!

Miracle, Mirakitty, (whatever is on her mind?)

Now we have moved on to another wonderfuly lady in #Christian_Singles. Isn't she beautiful?? Anyway, another great listener (CS is full of them), and a riot to be around. Carry some spare rainbow trout when you are in there, and beware of Emply Pepsi bottles, and rubber chickens.

Holysoul, musicwldr, Straykat

Another multi-nicked being in #Christian_Singles. Guess his age, I bet you wont get it.. I have had guess as young as 16, and as old as 33. He is a great man of God. It was great to actually be able to mee this guy in March 99, a time that I wil not forget anytime soon.


I swore she was going to kill me for posting this the first time, but I love this pic so much I had to post it again in here LOL! Spryte, is a great friend to me, and we have a lot of fun goofing around in the channel (CS), but she is also like a mom to me. Heh, I have a complex I think, I will let almost anyone that is special to me be my mom :)


Well imagine that! I finally got a picture!! YEA!!!!!!! Wander1 is one of the late night crowd that I have grown to love. He is a sweet and caring character, and "will grab every ....." sound that you have! hehehe. Besides the fact it is fun to read his typing, 1/2 the time it is backwards... but what do you expect from an Idiot Out Wandering Around (he is from IOWA)


PelesGirl!!! aka aTweety, but I have not seen that nick in a while. YEs that charming dog in the picture with her is Pele.. it is NOT her boyfriend. LOL. Pele and I make jokes all the time that it would be confusing if we lived too close to eachother due to the closeness of our real name... I hope no one ever calls out K/Cassie when we are together, or there will be TROUBLE! LOL. And she gives the BIGGEST rainbow hug I have ever seen.


Here is a picture of my buddy Doft, I have gotten to know him the last few months in #CS, and he is a riot to be around. He is another Canadian (YEA!!!!!!), and works at a Bible Camp.. what a lucky guy. A great sense of humor, and fun to talk to in the channel.


I'm as good as dead now.. the secret is out.. the picture is posted.. ahhhhhhhh....


Here is someone that I met in #theCHATTERbox, and #CaringChat. She is an addict like the rest of us, except that she openly admits it!! LOL. Great fun to be with, and I enjoy talking to her, she is a great laugh... and I got one of my favorite wavs from her.. woohoo!!!!!!


There you are on the page now. Are you happy?!?!?!