Born Fall 1984 --- died Sept. 2nd 1997 at 8:30pm
This is Cuddles is the early 1990's, tragicaly he passed away due to bone cancer at the age of only 14 years.
He is sorely missed and I hope his memory will live on for ever. He was one of the sweetest, affectiont and cuddly cat I ever knew and I hope that he will live an eternity in the memory of other.
More commaly known as Cuddles. He is a big black cat with a small white spot under his chin. Like his name says he is a very cuddly cat.He`s about 13 years old , we (or rather my sister) got him from a farm
in Quebec when he was about 4 weeks old as his mother would no longer feed her kittens (she was almost 17 at the time). My father was in China at the time and was very surprized to find a small black mewling
kitten when he got home. He said that Cuddles was going to the Humane Society ASAP, well.... it`s now 14 years later :) He adores kittens and always looks after orphans that we foster. Although he is really my
sisters cat, he is going to move in with my Fiancee and I since my sister longer wants him. Cuddles and April have always been very close and I dont want to seperate them.