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Hedgie slaves have visited (oct. 09, 97)
Cesille passed away of fatty liver, she is greatly missed

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Shamrock Sean: our unexspected hedgehog

Shamrock is now about 3-4 years old, he's still active, but has always been a night owl. He only likes to come out in the evenings, otherwise he's grumpy!! Sham loves 8-in-1 pro hedgeghog treat and food and we mix these together for him, he also likes his mealworms. Soon we'll be making a playpen for Sham!
Shamrock moved back with us as Danielle's mother-in-law is ill and in a nursing home which takes up a lot of her time. Sham's is a very happy friendly active fellow, he's a little over 2 years now and is still as active as before, he likes to be pet and handled (when he's staying still). He loves his 8-in-1 hedgehog treats and high quialty adult cat food (nutrience) and of course now adores mealworms!! He's not as picky about treats and likes to have the odd bit of cheeze, cooked hamberger, chicken. He also likes to have some small bits of vegies and fruits once in a while. Sham favorute thing to self anoint one is catnip! We discoved this when we put some down fo the cats, he chews the carpet and then volla, new "makeup" on the sides (self anointing is a unique thing that hedgies do). Sham have a large zoo-zone cage (about the size of a deluxe rabbit cage) and soon I am looking into getting some plexiglass or something like that to make him a larger cage to play in. (this is in the works, we have to figure out the lenghts and cost and all that before, but hope to have this project done but the winter [or sooner!] ) Right now Sham can look over and see his friends, Dulette (spiny mouse, in french they are called "hedgehog mice") and Hamue (russian Cambell dwarf hamster) in their cages. He used to watch Hamue quite a bit (and the cats too, which is why she has a cat safe cage like Dulette :>) but now seems to think of them as "pals" to look at :) None of the little guys are out at the same time, of course. Sham's great little guy, he's still a little small even for a male, but at least he's a healthy happy guy. He loves to come out in the evening (but dont wake him during the day, he's grumpy and huffs a lot). He runs all the time when he's out and very seems to stop! It a good thing too, we never have to worry about him not getting enought exercise! (maybe getting a little too much?) :). I got some great images of him but been unable to find them since we moved, and the new ones are not developed yet. Anyways I'll have some of Sham soon!

Shamrock Sean is now 2 years old, he lives with Danielle [future mother in law] and is an extremly active and friendly fellow. He loves to play with tubes and enjoys 8in1 hedgehog treats.
Early days of Sham

Shamrock is our sweet little "foster" hedgehog who we got totaly by chance. I was e-mailed by a lady who longer wanted him and asked if I would like a free hedgehog, she didn't say much else, I was naturaly curious and called up to find out some detials, she said he was male, didn't have a name he was called "You"), that he'd been living in a hamster cage and then a storage bin (which I never saw). When we finnaly desided it would be best to take a look and him and give him a home if need be, we went to vist. We had explaned to the lady that we where only looking and not desided, but when we got there she had he all packed to go. All Sham had was one box of kitten food and the shaving in a box she had bought him in about 4-5 months earlier. I asked if I could have his bowls, and she had none. Sham was EXTREMLY small and thin, had never seen a mealworm (didn't know what to do with them) and had nothing, not even a name. We took Sham home and put him in a rabbit cage that I borrowed from work and gave him a few things (bowls, log, toy balls, a make-shift bed), he was happy!! Sham is still a bit thin and has very serious ragged ears (being treated for) but is other wise doing great! Shamrock is about 7 months old , we got him in early March. He is a sweet fast friendly salt and pepper hedgehog, still very small but much better. His former owner seemed to have known little about hedgehogs, and the care sheet she had gotten with Sham had many mistakes and lack of information. I do believe Shamrock is happy now, he is a little scared of being held but doesn't mind being pet. Shamrock is only in our care temporarly until he is well enough to get his oun home (with my fiancee 's mother Danielle who owns Mirrah the turtle)
More about Shamrock Sean and some cute images!!

What used to be here about our departed Cesille

Here is how Cesille.wav's name is pronounced!

Cesille is a salt and peper africian hedgehog, she is very friendly, she uncurls quickly when I pick her up but she can`t stay still for a moment!! Cesi still has her quills "criss crossed" when I hold her most of the time but she lays them flat when she is runing around us. She LOVES her meal worms and licks them up like a vaccum! I am so happy with her personality! She loves anything that is red and always likes tubes (cardboard ones that have been cut to keep her from getting her face stuck (this happened)) and blankets to borrow under. Cesille also loves to push her ball and other play things around in her cage.

tiny Cesitiny Cesi-2

Cesille gets along with the cats, (only contact is when she is out with us) and runs up to sniff them, the cats are rather curious but are afraid of her, and April normaly runs away if Cesi chases her :). She is a wonderful pet and I`m glad I got a hedgehog rather then a dog (my other chose). She loves to have her play time at 7:30 where she runs around at speeds of 100 miles per hour ! After play time she gets up at about 10pm until 3 or 4 am in her cage,it always looks like a tornado when through it! She is almost 100% litter trained and is very clean (not counting the fact she leaves her toys all over...hehe).
Cesille loves popcorn, cream cheese (small amount once in a while, too much is bad for hedgies), bacon lettus (she just chews on it really) and of course, Meal Worms (part of her regular diet)! I have been trying other treats but she is a very picky Hedgie, perfering meal worms over any other treat, if you have a treat suggestion please let me know. I resentaly saw Cesille self-anoint! It was very neat, but when she saw we where looking at her she stoped :< . Cesi loves the ctas, and is always trying to run up to them, I babysat some kittens a while back and Cesi played with them (she ran around and they chased her, then she would chase them, all the time she made little happy "grunting" and "snuffling" sounds!) I love my little prickly ball very much, she has just started to become more cuddly, and ever licked my toes (I don't know if that is a good sign :) )

I think the Hedgehog are one of the best pets, exepcialy if you work all day. Hedgehogs require lots of care but it is not very difficult, it is even easier then taking care of a small [Dovanin and Cesille] dog. You do have to take your Hedgie out for "walks" around the house each night, and handle them alwell, plus making sure they have lots of things to do so they don't get bored (and of course all the basics, freash water, food, clean cage and litter, etc.)

Cesille is a very priticular hedgie, she doesn't like many of the "treats" most hedgies seem too, but she is very friendly, she is always happily snuffling, and I have heard her "purring" mnay times, Hedgehog purring is the most wonderful sound! it's not at all like my cats!!
More about Cesille and some cute images!!

The Hedgehog Wheel

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The logo pictures are from FJM Reptile Ranch and Fairview Hedgehogs

for more information about other Hedgehogs and some images try Brian Macnamara's Hedgehog page! He is the writter of the Hedgehog FAQ and also the manager of the Hegdehog club!

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Cesi and Sham.

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Images of: April |Tuli |Donavin | Shamrock Sean | Seppy |Ragu |Mirrah | In Memory of Cuddles

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