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Hamue's Homepage

Hamue passes away at the age of 2.

Hamue, now has a dwarf hamster ball I found at a local PETSMART, she loves to roll around in it and even was ramming Donavin who didn't know what the think! She's become selective with her seeds so she gets mostly the hamster blocks now to make sure she's getting proper diet. She still get some seeds too. She has a wooden block to chew and is always making nest in her loft and what was her litter box :>. She runs in her wheel all the time and is active. I found a great little book about Russian dwarf hamster care at the PetSmart too it's called "A step-bystep book about DWARF HAMSTERS" by Chris Henwood you can ask any book store or PetSmart for this book, the ISBN is 0-86622-479-3 It talks about both the Russian and Chinese dawrfs.
Since a lot of people e-mail me about these guys here are some things they need/like to eat:

We finnaly got our Micro hamster on Dec 6th 1998, she is about 2 months old and her fur is a greyish-tan collor. Hamue [Hamu = Japanese for Hamster] Lives in a Habitrail cage called a "Safari". Her cage come with a "pin house" which is elevated above the cage floor and has a small ladder to access it, Hamue has already made a little nest up there! It also has a neat wheel made of durable plastic with no metal holes so Hamue tiny legs wont get caught. The cage has to "windows" that you can use to had tubes or other Habitrial toys, and a litter gaurd at the bottow.
We also bought Hamue a salt lick, two bowls [water/food] and a very cute little litter box, which Hamue isn't using as a litter but as a place to take dust baths!! She has both mixed seeds and hamster pelets for food, and yesterday got an orange slice os a treat.
She is fairly friendly, although the second day when I gave her a sunflower seed she actually sat up on her hind legs and scratched at me, last night however she climbed into my hands and seemed very happy....maybe that orange slice is working?? Hamue is extremly cute!! She also has a TP tube [TP =tolite paper] to play with, and enjoys runing in and out of it and pushing it around. She loves to run in her wheele.
Stay Tuned for some images of Hamue soon!! Text below is from before we got Hamue, take a look at what a Micro Hamster looks like.

Micro Hamsters!! AKA Campbell Russian or Dwarf Hamsters

Micro Hamster is the name used by the pet shops, these little guys are more commonly called Campbell Russian or Dwarf hamsters. They are very tiny and look like little mice without tails. We are planing on getting one or two at some point when we move. If you have any FAQ's or tips about looking after Micro's please E-mail us!! Enjoy.

We are going to get a little hamster very soon now, next week or the week after [Nov 30th]!!
We got all our supplies and even bought a newer cage called a "Safari" which has a shaving gaurd, it's really neat!! Has a nice wheel and built in "clud house".

"Hamu" and "Mirco"

[White and Shaphire Micro Hamsters eating] Here are two cute little Micro hamsters having a snack, the white one is an albino, I haven't see one in the pet shops myself but she looks cute. The grey color seems to be the most comman, although I have seem a biegh color in the stores also, all the Mirco Hamsters I have seem have that cute little dark strip down their backs!!

[Grey Micro Hamster eating a bit of orange, Micro's are about 3 to 4 inchs long]Here is a little Grey Dwarf hamster eating a slice of orange, goes to show you how little these fellows are, they are about the size of a mouse. [3 to 4 inchs long] They eat the same types of food as large Hamsters. We have our hamster cage and wheel all ready for when our little Campbell Russian Hamster arrives. Isn't she cute?

[little Shaphire Micro Hamster sitting in the grass]Here is a little Saphire Micro hamster sitting in the grass near some flowers, I beleive they live in the wild around Russia.

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