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A lot of people have wrote to me asking for information on this topic, so I decided that I should have a part of my site devoted to it. I have been busily trying to reconstruct my site, and don't have much in here yet, but as soon as I can I will try to get some info for you guys. If you find any info at all concerning this topic, please e-mail me.

TechnoPagan: Home of The Babbling Brook TechnoPagan Haven "Technopagans" CITY CULTURE: FEATURES: TECHNOPAGANISM Technopagan Blessing for a new Laser

(This isn't really serious, but it's funny so I thought I'd include it in here anyway.)
(Sung by Ms. Calendar to the tune of "I heard the Bells on Christmas Day")

I cast my spells on Solstice Day
That new familiar techno way
My gif files dance to ascii chants
For peace online, so modem be

My AI cat familiar plays
With mouse cards slotted in the bays
He'd best be through, we've rites to do
For peace online, so modem be

A two-horned fiend, a wigged-out monk
Just standard wired wiccan junk
Our power spreads through Java threads
For peace online, so modem be

The Goddess speaks in Quicktime clips
Did She just say "Apocalypse"?!!!
Before we squirm, click "Please Confirm"
For peace online, so modem be

When Rupert needs a Moloch nix
I am his cyber-dominatrix
His Luddite views do me amuse
For peace online, so modem be

Sweet Willow helps with software heists
To firewall web poltergeists
We're nerdly-wise and their demise
For peace online, so modem be

Cordelia doesn't like the Net
If school jocks don't flirt on it yet
She'll come around, when hell goes down
For peace online, so modem be

Dear Xander "helps" the girls and me
Providing running comment'ry
Though sweet's his smile, it won't compile
For peace online, so modem be

The slayer seems a little small
Online that matters not at all
I'll scan her in should s*** begin
For peace online, so modem be

As cost cuts from employment rob
I feel secure still in my job
Computers grew, thus demons too
For peace online, I'll needed be

Copyright 1997, by Lisa Rose. May be reprinted and forwarded with permission of author. Taken from The Little Buffy Site.


Blessings on this fine machine,
May its data all be clean.
Let the files stay where they're put,
Away from disk drives keep all soot.
From its screen shall come no whines,
Let in no spikes on power lines.
As oaks were sacred to the Druids,
Let not the keyboard suffer fluids.
Disk Full shall be nor more than rarity,
The memory shall not miss its parity.
From the modem shall come wonders,
Without line noise making blunders.
May it never catch a virus,
And all its software stay desirous.
Oh let the printer never jam,
And turn my output into spam.
I ask of Eris, noble queen,
Keep Murphy far from this machine.

Zhahai Stewart, 1988.

© Copyright Sabrina Wish 1998