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The Grand Conclusion

of the primary thesis of this book: Aliens are found in the Bible.

Now after reading this entire book, it should be evident that the two primary concepts defining exactly what differentiates aliens and other beings mentioned in scripture as separate entities should be basically eliminated. Angels, (faithful and fallen), are not necessarily purely spiritual entities. Furthermore, heaven isn’t necessarily a dimension separate from the cosmos. Seeing that heaven can be outer space, and that the Bible describes intelligent beings dwelling there in outer space – the conclusion that aliens are in fact found within the pages of scripture should be evident.

The Christian paradigm should now be expanded to include a host of possibilities that you, the reader, may have not previously considered. Because of these possibilities, the existence of many things currently encountered, (such as the oddities in nature used to support evolution, and refute Christianity), and things that may be encountered in the future, (such as alien contact), should not pose any intellectual threat to the Christian paradigm. The Bible is an all encompassing text; its truth expands the full scope of all reality.

Aside from the primary thesis of this book, (aliens are found in the Bible), which is vastly more important than the other information contained herein because of it’s prophetic significance, I’ve also supplied other information concerning other metaphysical phenomenon. I hope it was all worth reading.

Without a doubt, if your home is haunted by a deceased cat, which is plagued by thought-forms generated by psychic attacks originating from astrally projected, demon possessed, cybernetically enhanced, half-breed giants – spawn from fallen angels reproducing with aliens from other planets, then you should be able to define just exactly what’s going on. Just kidding –

God bless… ;-)

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