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My Brushes With Fame

On this page you will read all about famous people I've seen and met!

Stars I've Seen!!!!!!!!!
Gena Davis
Dolly Parton
George Lucas
Sean Connery
Paul Newman
Nick Cage
Cary Elwes
Lauren Holly
Greg Kinnear
Gregory Peck
John Lovitz
James Woods
Danny DeVito
Will Smith
Mick Jagger
Jakob Dylan: lead singer, The Wallflowers
Adam Duritz: lead singer, The Counting Crows

My Wallflowers Story:

Well, it all started at a concert in Concord, Ca. My two friends and I went to go see the Wallflowers and the Counting Crows. When we got there our seats were in the middle towards the left side, but we wanted on the floor. My two friends tried to get us down there with no luck. We were stuck in the seats we were assigned. After the Wallflowers performance we fell in love with Jakob Dylan. He was so unbelievably cute! It was intermission between the Wallflowers' performance and the Counting Crows' performance. We were talking to a bouncer and he told us there was going to be a back stage party because it was the last show of the tour. We got really excited and planned to stay after and see if we could get backstage. Well, we waited and waited and watched people enter the backstage area with little passes that we were without. Finally, we got someone who was leaving to give us one pass. But, there was three of us. Kindly, the friend that was handed the pass waited untill we all three got one. One lady that was entering the party did us a favor and said that she would ask around backstage to borrow people's backstage passes. She came out about 10 minutes later, and we were in!!! We met everyone. We met Mario Calire and talked with him! We met Adam Duritz and we saw Jakob Dylan. We got all of their autographes on our backstage passes and it turned out to be one of the most exciting nights!!

The Rest of the Stories:

Gena Davis: I saw Gena Davis at the Beverly Hills Hotel about a year ago. She was very tall, and she was talking to a man at the front desk. We were standing right next to her! It was really exciting. It was when her hair was really short and blond. She seemed very nice!
John Lovitz: I saw John Lovitz in the Beverly Hills Hotel also. He was playing tennis, I think he was just visiting the hotel to do that. He walked through the hotel lobby. I was sitting having a drink with my mom and he passed. He was talking to was funny. He went out the door. I quickly got up and followed him out. I stood by him and he was still talking/singing to himself. I didn;t want to say anything to him, he lookied really busy!!!!
Sean and Friends: I saw Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Cary Elwes, ect... at the premier of the Rock. It was held at Alcatraz and me and my mom went to see the stars arrive and board the boat. It was really neat. There was all sorts of people there!! It was one of the coolest things ever!!!
Lauren and Friends: I saw Greg Kinnear and Lauren Holly and the girl in Law and Order at the filming of A Smile Like Yours. The filming was at the San Fransisco Airport. It was really awesome. We were there for the whole day. I met a lot of extras that want to be great actors, and I met a lot of crew guys. Lauren Holly sat right next to me. I said hi, but that was about it. Greg Kinnear I saw through out the day, but I didn't want to say anything......he seemed busy also!!!!! Oh yeah, and the girl from Law and Order pranced around like she was the best actress, it was funny!

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