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My Best Friend Terry

Traits of My Best Friend:

Well I thought I owed this to her. She is the best friend a girl could ask for, and has been for the past 14 years of my life, so I figured I owed her a page on my website.

Yep, your eyes ain't goin nuts. We've been best friends for 14 years. And, if you can get your brain to believe this, we have NEVER Not Once gotten into a fight! I know! We should get married! But unfortunetly we are both very straight and love our men! :-)

When we were young we used to get together and exchange Barbies and My Little Ponies. She would rave on and on about New Kids on the Block and I would update her on every episode of Pee Wee's Playhouse (hey I was just a kid! cut me some slack!). We would watch every episode of Full House together and ramble on and on about how goodlooking John Stamos was.

We've grown up together. She is more then my friend, she is my sister and I luv her a whole lot. I plan to keep in touch with her forever, even when we are 45 years old with our kids and grandkids. I don't know what I would do without her. I would without a doubt go nuts. Here's to you, girl!