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Apply for My award!

Hello!! To win this award, here are my requirements:
Your site must be one I like!!
Family Oriented
No Adult Sites, Family orientated sites only!
You gotta link my site to your award!
Your site must have content, not just a page of links
You gotta sign my guestbook!!! That's a must do!!
If your site meets the above requirements please email me with:
The name of your site, or the one you think deserves an award!!
The site address/URL
In subject line of email, please write: Applying for your award!!!
I will randomly give an award, if I come across a site I really like!!! I think its more fun to get an award as a surprise! Don't you? I am back from my vacation now, I might have missed your application for an award, please re-submit, if you can, and I will check out your site!
APPLY for my award by clicking here:CLICK HERE!!!
Please sign guestbook!
You will only hear back from me about the award if you won the award!!!
Thank you!!
Home of the Angels
Krisanne's Corner
Angel's Homepage
YSIK & Zona History of Love
Lady Delia's Page
Angelhearts page!
Jennifer's Page
Angels All Around Us
Katya's Heartland Homepage
My Family fun filled'No more boring web page' web page!
CajunLady's Page!"
Have aDay!!
Guestbook by GuestWorld
This Win Our Awards Ring site
is owned by Nicole.
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This is an award that cannot be applied for!! Its for kids sites that we think are great!!
