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My Awards!!!

Awards awarded to my site!!! Kewl!!
Awarded on 6-7-99 Thank You!!!
Many Thanks to my new friend, Cindy!! She has been a great help with my site, helping me soo much!! Please take a looksy at her site, its the greatest!! Lots of fun Recipes and fun stuff to see and do!!
Here is my Pooh Award!! Kewl!! Thank you!! Click on the award to get to Mony's & Lovisa's Page!
Awarded to my site on July 8, 1999!!
I LOVE POOH!!! (smile!)
I won another award on July 8,1999!! YAY!! Its for the Originality and effort I put in my site! Thank you Jessica!!
If you would like her award, click on mine to get to her award page!! Take a look at her site, its a beautiful love story!
Awarded another beautiful award on July 10, 1999!! Thank you Lady Delia!!
Click on the award to get to her page, its so lovely, she has lots of goodies to see in there!!
I was awarded this beautiful award on 7-12-99!!
Thank you soooo much, I love it!! Please click to get to her site!!!
I recieved this award on 7-15-99!!!!
Thank you so much Jennifer!! Please click on the award to see her site, and maybe win one for yourself!!
