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Miscellaneous Pictures

These are basically just pics from different things I've done...there are a few from Winter Ball in January of '98, a lot from my trip to Great Britain over Spring Break of '97, a few (there will be a lot more soon...good ones...) from my backpacking trip to the Los Padres National Forest with my Field Biology class, and more miscellaneous pics of my friends and me...

England and Scotland
Buckingham Palace
Trafalgar Square
Westminster Abbey
One From Stonehenge
Hadrian's Wall
Anne Hathaway's Cottage
Edinburgh Castle
A View of Edinburgh From The Observatory
I like this for some's at the observatory...

Winter Ball
Before Winter Ball
Group Pic
Keri and me...we didn't even get pics with our dates!!!

Prom 1998
Group Pic

Field Bio Backpacking Trip
Me concentrating on crossing the creek...
Bundled up under many, many layers of clothing after waking up the first morning
The second morning, freezing and barely awake...
Lupins along the trail...
A Scene of the ocean past the mountains...
Flowers at Big Sur

Misc of Friends and Me
Tiffany, Kelli, and Me in Chem in May..
My friend Tiffany
My friend JD...
Joe, JD, and Me in Chem...
Kelli on Santa Cruz Island
Chard and Arlo, the infamous tongue shot..

Santa Cruz Island
Kelli and Me on a log we'd climbed out to..
Kelli and Me all dressed up for the competition dinner...*G* after our game of football!
One of the many class hacks between projects
Santa Cruz Island hills
View of a beach on the hike back from Pelican Bay
The first car I'd ever driven!
Coches Beach
