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i miss your body

by sandy atthajaroon
dedicated to jon m. 98

i miss your body being next to my body
the way it used to be on those cold nights
i miss the feeling of your touch
when you held me so close and tight
i miss the scent of your soft hair
when i put my head next to yours
as i laid there in your bed
i felt my excitements soar
i miss the feeling of your soft hands
i miss the passion of your lips
i miss the way you used to caress my back
then smoothen down to my hips 
i miss the way your arms wrapped 'round
the summit of my back
i miss the way we used to fit
into an utmost, intimate clasp
i miss the way you slid your tongue
around my delicate clavicle 
and the way you used to grasp me
is so special and so magical
i miss the smell of your cologne
and the softness of your skin
i miss the clutch of your warm breath
as your craves were beckoning
i miss the stroke of your blue eyes
as you touched my heart and soul
i miss the feel of slight surprise
so gentle, yet so bold
i miss your body next mine
as we laid there in your room
i can't wait 'til i get home
so that i could feel your body soon

note (for all you non-doctors): the clavicle is the bone that connects the 
sternum with the scapula; also known as the collar bone. 
maybe you thought something else. 
i wouldn't write anything that indecent.. =)

back to the poetry corner
