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Looking In, Looking Out

by: Sandy Atthajaroon

Looking in, looking out, I see.....
A hundred thousand images trying to surface me,
My deep thoughts surging past my outer profile,
And penetrating emotions rushin' out from inside.
A shadow of darkness, a ribbon of tears,
I see all the pain I've experienced through the years,
A gleam of sunshine, as I'm keeping faith,
Trying not to regret time gone to waste,
Rebellious acts, blinded impulsions,
A strictly crafted statue, struggling for motion,
But nothing can bring me down,
For I'll always have my pride,
Living my life each day, stride by stride,
And in the midst of it all, I start to see a smile,
Knowing all that I've been through,
Has all been worthwhile,
And now, eager to achieve all my dreams,
I touch my hand to glass,
As the hand touches me...

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