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Looking In, Looking Out.

Looking in Looking out I see..........
Lucid windows of glass bearing mind and essence,
Only to break through and catch a glimpse of the inner soul,
Get a chance to caress the edges of life,
Which is surrounded by love and faith,
Faith in love, and loving faith.........

Peer deeper and you'll see courage,
Held up by memories which lay upon a pedastal,
All this lingering near the seat of passion which is filled with feelings and emotions of morality.........

Vibrant colors of azure, red, and purple,
Reflect the pool of light beyond the opening of flaming darkness,
So bright and yet so dark.........
All this ends in a cry of exhilarated joy,
And sweet and tender love pours in,
And everything is blazingly bright again..............

I reach out and put my hand to the glass, and a hand touches me back.

by: Lynn Kiangsoontra

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