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Expecting the Painr

by Sandy Atthajaroon

I used to be abandoned, with nothing left inside I used to be put down, with no place to hide I used to be abused till my heart was almost bleeding In my mind I kept thinking, I had no purpose, no reason There were some guys who said they cared They said they loved me and would always be there But time passed by and they got tired of me They left without looking back to see me crying Throughout my life, I had been trapped, Not knowing where I'd be The pain just kept pouring down The tears, the anger.. destroying me I'd look in the mirror to see nothing special For I was what they said, left, cheated on, pushed away And I've been carrying it in my heart Through the years, the months, the days But then one day out of the blue, someone came He didn't leave, cheat, push away, put me down He said you loved me and he were always around He saw the best in me that no other could see I thought it was just another trick So I pushed him away... ...when he still loved me

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