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please take the time

"please take the time" by sandy m.
dedicated to jon mulcahy: feb. '98

i cannot imagine my life without you
so please take the time to see
all the dreams that i have dreamt
involves you loving me
love, take the time to recognise
my grieving heart, my dying soul
this torment, this pain i cannot hide
for the fact that i don't have you to hold
i face the emptiness, the cold...
please take the time to understand
my reasons for pure disloyalty
for making you disbelieve my words
please take the time to see
that it's not just hurting you, 
it's destroying me...
please take the time to realize
that i need you to love me like before
the tears are streaming from my eyes
i need your patience just a little more
forgive me for my vain intentions
that have caused you to unwind
from the bind we had, so strong
let it again be me you end up to find
don't throw away my life of wishes
don't flcik away my prayers
please don't erase our memories
and tell me that you still care
baby, please just take the time
to convey the absolute truth...
that i am willing to do all that i can
to prove that i will always love only you

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