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The Story
The Story


"The Pretender" is a one-hour ad-journ series starting Michael T.Weiss as Jarod Russel, a man like no other called 'the Pretender' because of his exceptional intelligence and ability to assimilate any identity, to become a human chameleon.

How does he do it? For starters, he has a genius IQ that's off the scale and also with the assistance of the Center, an incomprehensible place that took him away from his parents in the early 1960s, and kept him there under isolation while they trained him for his ability.

He did what he thought were simulations for 'clients', figuring out things like who actually assasinated JFK. The main figure behind the training is Dr. Sydney Green --Patrick Bachau, who has been with Jarod since his childhood.

When Jarod found out that most of the things he was doing were unfavourable to man and society, like organizing military coups and plotting terrorist strikes, he escaped from the Center and routed out a journey to right the things he felt he wronged.

Every week Jarod places himself in a new job, pretending to be a pilot, doctor, journalist, and yes even a computer wiz. Always one step ahead of the Center, Jarod seeks emotional retribution for disenfranchised or powerless individuals by turning the table against those who abuse their priveleges and seem beyond reach of the law. Along his journey he also tries to seek out knowledge about his parents and who he really is....right now all he has with him is a picture of his mother.

At the same time, he helps Ms. Parker find out about her mothers past, if her mother really and truly killed herself or was she murdered.

The people that want him back at the Center are Sydney, who just wants him back in one piece and somehow always helps out Jarod and contacts him at times without letting anyone know, Ms Parker, who just wants to chase him down because she has no choice and it is her father's orders, and last but not least Mr.Raines and Mr.Parker- who just wants Jarod Dead...since he can't make money off of him anymore and his secret for using Jarod kept as a rumour.

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This page was last modified on August 17, 1999
