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The Da’ee should always stick to the truth. Certainly all ideas which exist in this world and which could be found later, should not mean that they are true. To be true, they should coincide with reality. To know whether an idea is true or not, it is necessary to apply this idea to reality which points to it; if it corresponds with it, it is a truth, or else, it is a non-truth. Therefore to think of truth does not mean to do the internal operation only, but also to apply the idea, which results from the mental operation, to reality which points to it: if it applies to reality it is a truth, or else it is a non-truth. It is wrong saying that we can not know if there is correspondence between certain things and reality simply because they are not tangible. We should not say that because the main condition of thinking is the sensation of reality. If there is no tangible reality there is no thought, and consequently no truth. Allah is for instance, not an idea but the Truth, because sensation has transferred its effect to the brain. Allah says: “Look therefore at the prints of Allah’s Mercy (in creation), how He quickens the earth of her death.” and these are the creatures of nothing. This causes us to judge that Allah exists. Therefore, Allah’s existence is a Truth since Allah says: “And in the earth are portents for those, whose faith is sure, and (also) in yourselves; can ye then not see? And in the heaven is your providence and that which you are promised. And by the Lord of the Heavens and Earth, it is the truth (it is true) that you speak.”

But Allah’s nature is not subject to sensation, so we cannot judge it. There is no one fact which the mind reached or can reach but enters with one’s range of perception. Therefore, the Truth must be tangible, or approachable by the mind.

Therefore, thinking of truth is the correspondence between thought and reality which denotes it. If it corresponds with reality, it is a truth, otherwise it is not. Obviously, thinking of reality is something indispensable to all humans, both people and nations alike, especially to those who hold responsibilities are because ideas are most often the cause of errors and deception. So it is unsound to take though, any thought, as if it were the truth, but we must take it only as thought. Then we apply it to reality, if it applies, it is truth, otherwise, it is pseudo-truth. Thinking of truth may be primary or secondary. If it is primary, such as doing the intellectual operation to reach thought, then applying this thought to reality will lead to one of two things. If it corresponds, it is a truth, if not, it must lead us to search for the truth, that is, for thought which coincides with reality. If thinking of truth is not primary, it passes through the channel of taking current thought and searching for the truth by applying current ideas to reality in order to arrive at the truth.
Here we must draw attention to two things:

  1. The fallacies which occur to truth.
  2. The fallacies which distract us from arriving at truth. The fallacies which occur about facts take place as a result of the similarity between facts and ideas, a similarity which is taken as a means to hide truth. Or it may occur by using a fact to conceal another act, or through suspecting one fact that is not the truth, or was the truth at the same time but is now no more.

For example: that the Jews are the Muslim’s enemies is one fact, and that they are the enemies of the Palestinian people is another. These two facts are similar or interconnected, but the fallacy rendered the truth of enmity between the Jews and the Palestinian people the more outstanding and the more observed. This similarity was exploited as a device to conceal the fact of enmity between the Jews and the Muslims. Again, the idea that freedom exists in the USA is a fact, and that the capitalists choose their president is a fact too.

The two ideas are similar or related, because each demonstrates a fact about the real life of the USA This fact is concealed, nonetheless, it is known that the one who succeeds as a president in USA is the one who has got the greater popularity. Another example: that England is against European unity is a fact, and that Britain wants to strengthen itself by means of a unified Europe is a fact too. The second fact is taken as a means to conceal the first one. Thus, England enters into the Common European Market.

Another example still is that Islam as an unconquerable force is a fact, but it is one which was so suspected until people believed that Islam is not so, or that it was so in its early beginning but by time it ceased to be so. Thus, facts are not factual or concealed by other facts. this in reality what the West did with the facts which Muslims possess.

But the fallacies which drive away from facts also occur by introducing activities, or by finding ideas which distract from facts. For example, that a nation does not progress except though thought is a fact, but to turn Muslims away from thought, the West encouraged physical activities among them such as demonstration and revolts so as to distract their attention from thinking and make them busy in action. Thus, the West concealed the fact that a nation does not rise up except through thought and replaced it by another idea that a nation does not rise up except through revolution. In addition to distract Muslims from progress it spread the idea that progress cannot be realized except through ritual daily prayers and high morals. Thus, fallacies are used to drive people away from arriving at the truth.

Therefore it is necessary to pay attention to fallacies, adhere to facts, and hold the truth tightly; it is necessary to think deeply and honestly in order to reach the truth. What is quite important is not to reject the facts of history, especially those which are basic. This is because there are fixed facts in history, and there are opinions which emerge from circumstances, of course, the latter are not facts but events, so it is not wise to make use of them. It is also unsound to apply them in new and different situations. But, in reality, people view history as a whole without making a distinction between facts and events. Thus, their attention is not focused on facts. For instance, that the Westerns took the coast of Egypt and the Syrian lands so as to invade the Islamic state is a fact. But the victory of the Westerners over the Muslims is an historical event. Here events and facts become mixed up. An example, is that the idea of nationalism which shook the entity of the Ottoman state is a fact, likewise, that the Muslims fought the West as Ottoman Muslims, not as Muslims only, is a fact. But the Ottoman’s defeat in Europe and then in World War II are events of history. If we take the history of wars between the Ottomans and the Europeans and the history of World War I in one glance, and ignore the facts of these wars, namely the facts of history, then facts and events become mixed up. In reality, facts are disregarded and ignored until people forget the fact that nationalism was the cause of the Ottoman’s defeat in Europe and in World War I. Thus, all in all, facts of history are not properly utilized although they are the most precious things which man can ever have or think of.

If we think of facts, whether we want to reach them, distinguish them from non-facts, or to hold them tightly and utilize them, it is certain that useful thought is that which has its great effect over the life of individuals, peoples and nations. We all ask: What’s the use of thought if it is not adopted in order to be applied? What’s the value of facts if one clings to them blindly and does not distinguish them from non-facts.

But facts are absolute, they neither change, nor are they influenced by different conditions and circumstances, true, it is unsound to separate thought from its conditions and circumstances, however, it is erroneous to take pure thought as a criterion. Instead, thought should be tested, otherwise it is nothing but thought. But once it is tested, thought becomes a fact, regardless of varying circumstances and situations if facts are obtained by the rational positive method. Undoubtedly, for thought to be factual, we must find the correspondence between thought and reality, therefore, we must think in terms of facts which we should hold with iron hands.