The Holy War
The Da’ee must be always ready
to fight for the sake of uplifting the word of Allah.
Jihad may be defined as doing
one’s best in the battlefield for the sake of Allah, in order to uplift His word either directly
through participating in the battle, or indirectly through self-help; offering money or
opinion and increasing the masses or by other means. Jihad is concerned with fighting and
what is directly related to it, such as a word written or a speech made to the army so as to
get it all worked up in the battle. It is an obligation of all Muslims as the Qur’an and the
Hadith state. Allah says, “And fight them until persecution is no more and religion is for
Allah”. And He says, “O you who believe, fight those of the disbelievers who are near to
you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their
duty (unto Him)”. To this effect the Prophet of Allahsaid, “Jihad will go on until the Day of
Judgment” Al-Hessan said, “coming and going for the sake of Allah is better than the
world and its fullness”. Jihad is primarily a collective duty, but when the enemy attacks
Muslims, it becomes an idividual duty. The meaning of colective duty is that Muslims
must start to attack the enemy even if the enemy does not proceed to attack them; and if
no one Muslim starts to fight the enemy at some time, all Muslims who do not fight are
considered sinners. This obligation of taking part in the holy war does not fall off with
respect to Iran and Pakistan if, for example, the Syrians and Jordanians fight for Allah’s
sake. It is rather imposed on the nearest to the enemy, then on the nearer, and so on until
those who fight Islam’s enemy are sufficient. If sufficiency is not realised except if all
Muslims take part in Jihad, then the latter will become an individual duty which every
Msulim should do, and that can be actualized by establishing a state which rules in the
light of the Muslim’s scripture. The duty of establishing a Muslim’s state is collective, that
is to say, it is a duty of all. If some Muslims establish it, the duty of establishing it ceases
to be the duty of other Msulims; but if Msulims do not establish it, it’s duty holds on to all
Msulims until it is set up in the world. So is Jihad; if the enemy remains in the battlefield,
it remains the Muslim’s duty until the enemy is driven away. In this respect, many Muslim
religious scholars (Fuqaha) err when they say that if some Muslims participate in Jihad the
other Muslims are no more obliged to it. This viewpoint implies that if the people of
Oman go to the holy war against Britain, or if the people of Palestine begin to fight their
hoy war against Israel, then Jihad ceases to be the duty of all other Muslims. Religious
scholars say so, assuming that if some Muslims have done the duty of Jihad, then others
are exempted. This is undiputedly wrong; because since the time of Muhammad the
Prophetuntil the present day, this
contradicticts the absolute text of the Qur’an in imposing Jihad upon all Muslims until the
enemy surrenders to them.