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Behavior is moved by vital energy which is revealed in two forms: Instincts and Organic needs. The latter are moved and require satisfaction. So, man starts out to satisfy them by various patterns of behavior. But what determines this behavior is not thought only but concept as well. In truth, thought does not influence behavior unless man believes in it, and this belief is linked with energy and becomes one of his concepts. That one’s behavior is determined by one’s concepts is an indisputable fact which is not subject to doubt, because if there is a belief in thought which is linked with energy, behavior follows nothing but that thought. Nevertheless, there are ideas which are believed to be so true that it is difficult for belief in any other idea to remove them, or erase their effects except after the elapse of some time. In this case, or its transformation will be tremulous and or its transformation will be tremulous and intermittent. This mainly happens with deep concepts, and it requires more hardships and more time.

Thought is produce of the mind, but it is not behavior. The latter is the outcome of energy, but it is not thought. Therefore, thought is not tendency, and mentality is not psyche set up. In man there are needs which require satisfaction, and there is a mind which thinks; and energy and mind are two different things; if they are linked and behavior occurs according to thought, there is personality; but if they remain separate, then there are tendencies and ideas; the opposition of behavior to thought, however, occurs most often in some of the details, and that does not affect personality but rather influences some patterns of conduct.

In the raid of Bai Mustalak, the Helpers (Al-Ansar) were called against the Emigrants and the Emigrants convened against the Helpers as tribe arrogance had been stirred up. In this case, behavior was separate from thought although the concept of the two parties was the same. But this time the concept ceased to be a concept, because it was separate from energy, so every party behaved according to its tendencies and desires, not according to its thought or concept. Namely, every party was moved by deep concept nevertheless, neither the personality of the Helpers, nor that of the Emigrants was affected, because it did not take long before both parties turned back to one concept, the concept of Islam. Thus the separation of behavior from thought sometimes, does not affect personality. And to say man has two points of view in life is wrong, because man has one basic notion about life which turns to be a concept, and if another notion takes hold of him for a while, it simply remains a notion among other notions, which come across his mind.