Mentality and Psyche
When concepts are formed as a result
of linking actuality with information, it is obvious that this formation takes shape
according to the rule or rules which measure actuality and information, thus, a person
begins to possess a mentality which understands utterances and sentences in order to
perceive meanings in their embodied actuality.
Mentality is therefore the
manner in which actuality is linked with information according to one or more definite
rules. Thus, we have different mentalities: Islamic, communist, capitalist, chaotic,
monotonous, and so on.
Psyche Set-up is the manner in
which instincts and organic needs are satisfied. In other words, it is the manner in which
the motivating forces of satisfaction are linked concepts. Hence, it is a fusion of the
unavoidable association which naturally occurs within man between his motivating forces
and concepts about satisfaction on the one hand, intervened with his concepts about life on
the other.
From this mentality and psyche
set-up personality is formed. The mind, even though inborn and its existence inevitable, is
nevertheless formed by the act of man. Likewise, the inclinations to satisfy instincts and
organic needs, though inborn in man and their existence inevitable, do not negate that
psyche set-up takes its shape by man. And if the rule or rules upon which mentality is
formed is the same rule or rules upon which the formation of psyche set-up is based, man
will have a distinct personality with specific traits; but if the rule or rules upon which the
formation of psyche set-up is based is different from the rule or rules upon which
mentality is built, man’s mentality is different from his psyche set-up, because in that case
he measures his tendencies according to a rule or rules present in his deep self, and so
links his motivating forces with concepts different from those which formed his mentality.
This is because he understands utterances and sentences and perceives actualities in a way
which differs from his tendency towards things.
The Islamic Personality
Islam has dealt with man’s act which
originate from his organic needs and instincts through Islamic rulings which emerge from
Islam’s doctrine itself, the treatment organized instincts but does not frustrate them,
coordinates them but does not set them free. So Islam forms the Islamic personality by
means of the Islamic doctrine. By it his mentality is formed; by it also, his psyche set-up is
formed. If man makes Islam the measure of all ideas practically and actually, he is said to
possess an Islamic mentality and an Islamic psyche set-up, and these control the
individual’s tendencies in terms of Islam.
The individual will then be an
Islamic personality, whether he is scholarly or illiterate, because anyone who thinks in the
light of Islam and directs his desires according to Islamic rulings is an Islamic personality.
And Islam commands that one should strive for the pursuit of Islamic culture, so that his
mentality will develop and be able to measure and evaluate every notion. Islam also
permits some action and forbids others in order that this psyche set-up will be capable of
deterring every tendency which violates Islam. From here comes the dissimilarity of
Islamic personalities and Islamic psyche set-up. For this reason those who think that the
Islamic personality is a divine entity, run into error, for they search for the Lord among
men and don’t find Him at all, not ever in themselves, so they go into a state of despair
and break with the Muslims. These imaginative Muslims prove by their imaginativeness,
that Islam is utopia and its application impossible. Although it came to the world in order
to be put into practice and it is itself realistic since it deals with all human problems it can
be understood and applied by every man, however feeble his mind is or strong instincts,
and organic needs are, when a Muslim applies Islam to himself he becomes an Islamic
personality who is qualified for military service and leadership at one time. He combines
pleasure, he understands life soundly and so he enjoys it in this world and in the other
For this reason, unlike others a
Muslim is not dominated by one trait. He is never taken away by religious rapture or by
Indian asceticism. When he is rich he is humble. As a scholar he gathers power,
commerce, and politics and his noblest trait is that he is a slave of Allah, his Creator.