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Here Are Some Of My Favorites...
If you really want to be happy... no one can stop you...

StrEakALO's Thoughts...

I'm no poet,
And you ALL know it.
I won't try my best,
To outdo the rest...

ALWAYS follow your dreams...
and try to learn from your travels...
Ya may be surprised which path ya end up...

Each moment is a place we've never been...

Fairy Ring
Artwork By Diana Elizabeth Stanley

Faerie Rings
Faeries often dance in circles in the grass which are called
Faerie Rings and this spells danger for the human passerby.
The wild enchantment of the Faerie music can lead him inexorably
towards the ring which, like a Faerie kiss or Faerie food and
drink, can lead tocaptivity forever in the world of Faerie.
If a human steps into the ring he is compelled to join the Faeries
in their wild prancing. The dance might seem to last only minutes,
or an hour or two, or even at most a whole night but in fact the
normal duration would be seven years by our time and sometimes
longer. The unfortunate captive can be rescued by a friend who,
with others holding his coat-tails, follow the Faerie music,
reaches into the ring (keeping one foot firmly outside)
and pulls the dancer out.

Some Words Of Wisdom From MK...

~mk~: A collection of Faeries now that's a happy dream,
They congregate on the brook & do belly flops in the stream~~

They laugh & play & their laughter echos all about,
Their voices fill the mountains & they never ever shout~~

If you wanna hear what they say then listen carefully & you'll
Hear their joyfilled giggles as they ride dolphins to the sea~~

They've been known to play pranks but it's only all in fun,
For Faeries live by a strict code to never hurt anyone~~

So the next time you walk a hiking trail & hear a bunch of tiny voices,
Tread lightly my friend for they're the Faeries
& Not just little noises~~

It is true that there are things that move in the air
As large as air itself... And one of them is love...

...Only a four-leaf clover can break a Faerie's spell...

Thanx to Wandering Faerie
For cleaning up the jagged edges! :Þ~~~

This is a DEFINATE must see site.... the Lady is AMAZING!!!

Most people don't know there are angels
whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable
and fall asleep and miss your life...

Moonlight Menagerie

Artwork By Jeffrey K. Bedrick

Ron wrote this for me...

~*Do's And Dont's*~

Don't ever stop dreaming your dreams...
They're a very essential part of you.
Do whatever you can to make them a reality
By the course you take...
The plans you make...
And all the things you do.
Don't dwell on past mistakes...
Leave yesterday behind you...
Along with any of its problems,
Worries and doubts.
Do realize you can't change the past,
But just ahead is the future...
And you can do something about that.
Don't try to accomplish everything at once...
Life can be difficult enough...
Without adding frustration to the list.
Do travel one step at a time...
And reach for one goal at a time...
That's the way to find out
What real accomplishment is.
Don't be afraid to do the impossible...
Even if others don't think you'll succeed.
Do remember that history is filled
With incredible accomplishments...
Of those who were foolish enough to... believe.
Don't forget that there are so many
Things that are wonderful...
Rare and unique about you.

Do remember that if you can search within
And find a smile...
That smile will always be
A reflection of the way people feel....
About you!

Be faithful to that which exists nowhere but in yourself...


The garden is tranquil
The Faeries dance there
You look but can't see them
They hide from your stare
They giggle and twinkle
And ride the dragonflys
But you'll never see them
They hide from prying eyes

Written By FaerieMoon

What a wonderful miracle...
if only we could look through each other's eyes...
If only for an instant...

My friend Julie wrote this for me...

~*To Someone Special*~

Special people are those
Who have the ability to share
Their lives with others.
They are honest in word and deed,
And always make sure that
Love is part of everything.

Special people are those who have the ability
To give to others
And help them with the changes
That come their way.
They are not afraid of being vulnerable;
They believe in their uniqueness
And are proud of who they are.

Special people are those who
Allow themselves the pleasures
Of being close to others
And care about their happiness.
They have come to understand
That love is what makes the difference in life.

You are a very, "Special Person",
Who makes a beautiful difference in the world.

I love ya!!!!!

ANgus's Haiku Words...
ANgus went and found this beautiful picture to go along with the words....
Happily they dance...
To wake the earthly slumber...
And bring springs return...

You know a heart can be broken,
but it keeps on beating just the same...

Some Thoughts From Dragoness...


Faeries and Sprites light
Up the night.

As they move through the air,
It seems as though a falling star has been there.

As the moonlight reflects on their wings,
Their sweet laughter rings.

Many games they play,
Until the break of day.

Mischevious they may be,
Because their hearts are free.

But no harm they cause,
Even in a cat's paws.

For the games they play,
though they may seem mean in a way...

Are played for fun,
And to learn to live as one.

We must be willing to relinquish the life we've planned...
So as to have the life that is waiting for us...

When you do the best you can...
You never know what miracle is wrought in your life...
Or in the life of another...

More ANgus Wisdom
Out of the dark night.....
Their mirth floats like butterflys.....
To refresh man's lives.....

When I asked for all things... so that I may enjoy life...
I was given life... so that I might enjoy all things...

Angel Fountain

Artist Gilbert Williams

When we look for the good in others...
we discover the best in ourselves...

My Friend

Let me speak about my friend
My thanks to you I must send
For listening to my pain with the kindest of ear
And for telling of the truth in spite of my fear.

You have been so very true to me
In spite of my harsh words hastily spoken
Into the heart of darkness, you can see.

We know each other better perhaps than any other
You are the sister to my soul
And to your heart I am your dark brother.

I cannot write enough or say enough about you
To ever really and truly express whats so true.

So whatever you may do or wherever you may go
Look into your heart, and you will find my strength
To carry you, however the four winds may blow.

You are my truest friend, and I love you
My strength is your strength, regardless of what you do.

Dwayne "The dman" Walters

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