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Renata and Paula's BSB page

Read please!


What's up?? Well, I know , I know!! I haven't updated or visited this page in like 3 months!!!!!!! That is a long time because there are new stuff! Like the new album which is not new anymore!! Millennium. I like that cd! Well, today is October 20,1999 just to let ya know what day I'm writing this!! Well, anyways, the reason for that, and there is more than one! Ok! Here me out!

1. In vacation I built this whole new page about BSB which is way better than this one! And I have a link and everything!!! The link is: Every one say they love that and so I just whenever I get a chance to update it I do that one since that's a better one! Which brings me to:

2. School! That's why I don't have a whole lot of chances to update it like when I did in vacation! But I was worried bout making new things in vacation so I got a lot and I mean A LOT done!

Thanx for reading if ya did read this! And I'll post up the links, if ya want to go to THIS website that's fine, but if ya want to go to my new one that's fine too! So, have fun and thanx again!!!

Choose your destination:

Renata and Paula's BSB page(old one. I did it with my sis)

Renata's BSB WorldNew!I did it by myself!