For anyone that is interested in who I am, or about my
family.I have devoted a small portion of this
web page to the task of
introducting us to you, the
people of the web. I am very proud of my family
and would like everyone that visits this
page to get to
know them a little. To pass by my familyand never get
to know us, then choose one of the other options
listed below.
A special
page dedicated to a very brave little
Elizabeth (Sissy)Lane
Here is a list of pages of images on this site that you can use on your e-mail or on your homepages. Enjoy your trip through the pages and sites.
Looking for a different topic or image? Try my wife's site for images of many things and sujects that are not listed on this site.
The combined efforts of my wife and myself have attempted to bring to you the best of the images on the web. All of the images that we use, as far as we know, are in public domain, but if you find one that is copywrited, please let one of us know and it will be removed. In all cases, please transfer any image that you need to your site so as to preserve your use of that image.
Take a trip through the other member sites of
the webring to enjoy many more hours of fun
and information.
Angelfire - Easiest home pages