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The Unofficial Robin Trower California Homepage
Robin Trower 98 Tour Pictures

These Pictures of Robin Trower were taken at Ballard Firehouse on May 22, 1998 by Bob Rood

Thanks Bob.

Thanks go to Patrick Schell for sharing these pictures of Robin Trower that he took on 5-21-98 at Ballard Firehouse, Seattle, Washington.


This photo was taken by Phil Fumo. Phil wrote: "This shot was taken with a $7 disposable fiji camera with 800speed film, at the Medina Entertainment Center show on 5/11 in Minnesota. I was in the front row with my wife Lisa, she stashed the camera. I only got the one shot. His road guy was telling people not to take photo's, and ripping film out of cameras. I had no flash so I didn't think it would hurt to snap one." Thanks Phil !

Anyone wishing to add Robin Trower photos to this site send a message to (don't send pics as juno can not receive them).


Last revised: March 31, 1999.