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The Unofficial Robin Trower California Homepage

TempPicRobin3-14-99 20th C/Blues


Robin Trower Mailing List Info

Bob Rood at Zoso Networks has started a Robin Trower Mailing List.

10-28-99: The Robin Trower Mailing list at ZOSO.NET has be updated to a web page to join and leave the list.

There is a Robin Trower Message Board at iMusic/UBL where anyone can read and post messages about Robin Trower. The messages can even be posted as Anonymous.

Another option for posting reading and messages about Robin Trower is at

Try Discussion Search Results: "robin trower"

Updated: Thursday, October 28, 1999

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Old List Info: 5-13-99: Message from Bob about Trower Email List updates:

....subscription info for the new lists software.

The new list name is: Robin-Trower

To subscribe to the Robin-Trower mailing list, send email to: and in the message body put: subscribe Robin-Trower (your name)

To post to the list: send email to:

There is no need to put the unsubscribe info up because it is emailed to every subscriber.
I will also include a web interface for archive retreival in the near

OLD LIST: 11-15-98 Bob Rood at Zoso Networks has started a Robin Trower Mailing List.

To subscribe to the list, send e-mail to: and in the message body (not the subject line) type: subcribe trower

To unsubscribe to the list, send e-mail to: and in the message body type: unsubscribe trower

To post e-mail to the list, send e-mail to:


Subject: Updated list info

Just wanted to remind people that we do have a digest version of this list for those of you whom do not want to receive individual list mail. If you do subscribe to the digest version, it is recommended that you unsub from the individual list or you will received both versions. To subscribe to the digest, send email to and in the message body put: subscribe trower-digest. Also anybody whom has just recently joined the list and is interested in receiving past digests can do so via email. Send email to and in the message body put: index trower-digest. This will send you an email with a list of files available. To receive a file, send email to and in the message body put: get trower-digest (filename)

Cheers! Bob

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Updated: Thursday, October 28, 1999