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Friends of Red Rose
Hello and welcome a piece of the cyber space that I have claimed as my own... and devoted to share with you some very special people that have touched my heart very much.
Throughout the past four years that I have been on the net, I have run into all sorts of people. All different ages, ethnic backgrounds and genders. In this cyber journey I have become very attached to these individuals, some better friends than the ones that I have known for years in real time.

For this reason I would like to share with you... the individuals that have made such an impact on me through these years. They are tender and kind people. Thoughtful and helpful in all ways. I cherish all of your friendships very much ....and I hope that I can be as much as a friend to you as you have been to me.

Kirsten a.k.a Linden.... well you have always been the life of the party. Strong willed and you know what you want and go after it. A great trait for anyone to have but you wear it so well. Caring and considerate of others, you will always be high in my books. You were there when I was down and helped me back on my feet and I am so thankful of that. I can never thank you enough. *HUGE HUGS* And that I have you closer to me.. it means so much to me that I can call on you when i have any sort of problem or go on a weekend trip at the last minute that always seem to work out. *l*.... You are my shoulder to cry on and my escape out of the harsh world. I will never be able to thnak you enough for all you have done for me.. *smiles* *HUGE HUGS*

Melissa a.k.a Blondie...well..well.. well...this girl is a laugh and a half... and one day, one day I will really party with her. I found out the hard way that one day is just not enough. Yeppers... me and Kirsten drove 8.5 hours in the night to go see her. So as you can see she must be special. This girl only has one real problem, her little, little, problem with aardarks. That is correct she can't go anywhere without looking for them or pointing them out.. no matter how small there are !! *inside joke*.... Well Lissa .. I just like to say that you are tops in my book.. and I hope some time int he near future I will get to see you again!! Your the best..*hugs*


Jen a.k.a Yogi of the most relaxed people I know. She is the always in plaid of my sort of another and wearing a hat. I envy her being able to relax at any given time. She is quite competive too, she can give you a run for your money sometimes. Also one more thing about her...she makes great friskies (jelly shooters made with cherry whiskey).. *gglz*

Randy a.k.a Ranger ...well this guy is the sweetest guy in the world. Yes he can be a bit annoying at times but overall he is worth speding some time on. I have know him a very long time off-line.. and I am happy to see him on line and making a few more peopel laugh. Randy you have been there when I have needed you the most and I will always grateful for all the little hints amd info about you know who. *GGLZ*... Have a good one. *Hugs*

Chandra a.k.a Upandova/ of the most friendliest people I know, after you get through her shyness. She is a concerned individual sometimes too concerned but she is a great friend always there to lend a hand. *HUGS*

Theresa...I found you in the strangest place, but when we first chatted we just clicked. Your sense humour makes me laugh everytime. Your family is the greatest, loving and caring all the time, made me feel right at home at your house. I am so happy that I found you and that we have become friends. *hugs* ...I hope for many more treasured moments and good times. I also have to thanks you for being there like a mother and showing me the light at the end of the tunnel, and knowing that there is better things in life than holding unto all the bad things that once happened in one lifetime. I will always remember your words. *HUGE HUGS*

Sunny.... She has the shoulder to cry on when you need it, and also the sense of humour to make you laugh when you are down. Thanks for being there for me, I really appreciate it. I hope that one day I will be able to see ya face to face. *hugs*... your the best !

MORE FRIENDS !!! are the most generous, caring, compassionate man that I have ever met. You have opened my eyes to a whole new world, and don't ask for anything in return. You have been there to comfort, make me laugh, and help me out when I have really needed it. Over the years i have known.. there is nothing that could replace you. *hugs*.. thanks for being a great. I cherish every moment we have ever had together, and hoping that we can have more percious moments. *hugs*

Susan a.k.a Cinnamon Girl....well look I am safe and sound. But I don't think I would be if you weren't talking to me. You opened our heart and home to me and I will always cherish the words that made me do the thing I did. To get rid of my stress and sorrow and of course a dead weight. *HUGS*

Crystal a.k.a Sky Blue Eyes We have been friends for years now...and been through alot together, some things better left unsaid. I cherish our friendship very much. You are like the sister I never had. Always there to listen to my problems... and share in my joys. Thank you for being there for me. I hope that I am here for you as much as you are for me. *Smiles*.. you always seem to brighten my day... *HUGE HUGS*

Graham a.k.a Braveheart you are a good friend though we haven't talked for all long, I know I can come to you to talk about any of my problems. That is what a true friend is. Thanks you fopr being there for me. And you know where to find me when you have one too.. *HUGS*

Beyond every rainbow lyes a friend there to help you find your way!

A special hello to all my friends off the net...too many to name.. but each of you hold a special place in my heart. Thanks for being there..and sharing my life expereinces with...*HUGE HUGS*

There are so many people that I want to add to this list but I don't have the time so I will do that when I can....but I like to say that you are all loved and I thankful for your friendship each and everyone of you.

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