Red Rose's Hobbies and Interests
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Red Rose's Hobby & Interests Page

Hello and Welcome to my Hobby and Interest page... yet another piece of the cyber world that I call my own. Here you will find out all the things that make me who I am. The things I do in my free time and what not. They are so many things that I had to make a page devoted to them. I hope you enjoy it, and a little about me. *smile*

One of my past times that people find very interesting is my poetry. Yes I write poetry. I have about 100 in my collection and I work on them whenever I have the chance and the inspiration to do so. I use writing poetry as an outlet to my stress. It also allows people that read my poems a new insight to my thoughts and emotions. My poems are mostly about Love, Friendship, and Nature. You can view some of my poems at Poems page or my complete work is listed at Poems Directory. In the poems directory all my work is listed under Michelle Causley. Some my friends work is there also. So go take a look and tell me what you think.

One of my favourite things in the world in watching Football. NFL to be exact. Even though I live in Canada... I think the CFL sucks. But that is my opinion. My all time team is the Miami Dolphins. And than the Dallas Cowboys. So if I am not on-line on Sunday afternoon.. or Monday night. You know where I am... watching football !! *giggle*

Here is is one thing about friends just don't quite understand. I like watching cartoons. I like watching all sorts of them.. From the orginal Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show to The Magic School Bus to Sailor Moon. Heck I wish they would bring back the Smurfs... that was an awesome show back in the day. But I have to admit these days the cartoons are a bit more educational than when I was a kid. But that is okay. Cause if a child is learning while they are watching tv it lets the parents know that it is better tv. Unlike the Power Rangers or crap like that. But that is only my opinion.

I like to assemble puzzles, especailly the 3-D ones by Wrebbit. Those are really cool and challenging. They come in big or small and vary in number of pieces. You would think I work for them or something the way I talk, but nope I don't but I love those puzzles. They have also come out with what they call "Build Art"... in which is all paper items that you put together with glue and such.
I like to go camping. It is the best time to spend with friends and get into the great outdoors. The trees, flowers, and what is camping without a camp fire. Well I love camp fires... especially ones with lots of flames. Over the summer I like to get out at least once in the outdoors where there is no street lights and no flushable toilets. But I know it isn't for everyone but I think everyone should give it a chance. One of the best places here in Ontario to camp is Algonquin park ! There are so many trails for everyone and canoeing trips and everything, good for the experinced camping to the overnighter just wanting to get away from it all ! There are alos alot of other cool places to camp in Ontario you can find a few places by looking here

HOBBIES and INTERESTS !!! I also love to travel. Even though I have only travelled within Ontario, and the United States... I love it. Exploring new places.. seeing what is to see and do in every new place. Also it gives the best opportunity to make new friends or to meet the ones you have talked to over the net. Over the past five years on the net I have met so many people. But I have only met 80 or so of them in Real Time. It is so exciting, though you have to be careful.. but it is a really good experince.

I love art...especially paintings. Monet is one of my favourite painters. He was a French Impressionist painter. Lived from 1840-1926. During the time he painted over 100 paintings...and are featured all over the world in museums. Three of his paintings are featured above in the banner. This is only a glimpse of the work that he has done. Most of his paintings are of his gardens and surrounds which expresses alot of inspiritation for people like me who like to paint and write poetry. I like also some other painters like Van Gogh, Munch, and a few others.

Also check out this very interesting sight on Impressionism...where you will see the different views of impression by world known painters!

HOBBIES and INTERESTS !!!! Well I also like watching movies, well I don't mean one here or one there, I mean me and my friends watch movies all the time, we see it as a time to spend together something that we all find difficult when everyone is working and trying to make something of thier selfs. But it is a time for all of us to relax and enjoy oursleves. I will watch any movie at all really.
But my favourite movies are horror movies. One of my favourite all time horror movies is Children of the Corn..there are two sequals but they aren't as good as the first. Children of the Corn is just one of the many short stories and novels that The Exorcist. It has has two sequals but they are pretty good. They are based on the same character and give the new life to the original movie. Another of my favourite horror writers is Egar Allan Poe. His readings are weird and are always great to read when there is nothing else to do.

Of course last but not least, I love anything to do with plants and flowers. I love gardening and I love having plants in my house. Of course I love recieving roses on special occassions...well just about any time really. They steal away my heart.... how delicate and sweet smelling they are....they just make me melt. So if you wnat to cheer me up... or wnat me to feel special *hint hint*....there is an idea for ya!!!!

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