Poems and other Writings
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My Poems and Other Writings

Here is a few poems that I wrote that helped me through some difficult parts of my life. Some people have other ways of letting out thier stress and feeleings this just happens to be one of mine. I hope you like them.

I have about 100 poems in my personal collection though not all are seen here ...but can be found at on my Poem Directory.. Ihope you go and take a look at some of my others peices of work and about 20 other peoples work. It is worth the click. *smiles*

But here is just a look of what you will find the, and I thought I should share them with you....

One of the first Poems I wrote....


Roses are my favourite flower
Roses are like life
Sometimes soft and flowing
But need time to grow
Sometimes bumpy and sharp, as it's thorns
We all wish for sweet smelling flowers
But not always do we find
Sweet smelling roses
Blooming all around

Michelle Causley

Lost Time

The room smells of mildew
The shelves are full of dust
The memories have been forgotten
Yet you still have my heart

I have cried the tears of joy
I cried the tears of pain
But nothing can replace
The joy and pain we have share the same

I think of you often
I hope you are too.
But that was a different time
A time of me and you.

© Michelle Causley

A Voice From Afar

The familar voice on the telephone
Sends warmth to the heart
Like we weren't a distant apart

Small talk is exchanged
But we wish it was an embrace
But at least we can hear each others voice

The gentle words and I love yous
The whispers and the miss yous
Brings warmth and virbance to our little chat

Wishing you were here
Or even me there
Starts to bring are hearts not so far apart

© Michelle Causley

The Wind

The wind blows through the trees
Yet we don;t see the wind
How do we know it is there ?

The wind blows the clouds across the earth
Yet we don't hear the wind
How do we know it is there ?

The wind
The mysterious force all around is there yet
We don't here or see it
Yet we know it is there

© Michelle Causley


Dark storm clouds cover the wonderous sky
Filling the earth with darkness and gloom
Mysterious clouds drift swiftly towards a destination unknown
Rain pelts crash apon the earth, drenching the soil and buildings
Lightening strikes luminating the sky with wonder and awe
Stretching from cloud to earth across the sky
Thunder rolls, crashing sounds, deep dark power is heard
Wonder and beauty are seen in a wild and screaming thunderstorm

© Michelle Causley

Hidden Sun

The bright sun luminates the sky
Gentle clouds cover the sun
Sunlight peers through the fluffy clouds
The wind blows the trees
A gentle sprinkle of rain falls to the earth
A bright coloured rainbow glitters across the sky
The wind blows the leaves across the sidewalk
Clouds drift away fromt he sun
The bright sun luminates the sky once again

© Michelle Causley


Cuddling with the one you love
Holding them tight all through the night
Never wanting to let go

The cupping of the hands
The gentle kiss on the cheek
The little things, that tell them you are there

The sweet smile you exchange
The embrace you sustain asn the heat you contain
Are the signs you are in love

© Michelle Causley

Sleeping Thoughts

Wonderous thoughts full us
Nightmares invade us to
Making it impossible to sleep til noon

We lie our heads on pillows
Comforting the body and thoughts we see.
Trying to screen the thoughts and feelings of you and me

The thoughts of love an honor
Become thoughts or sorrow and pain
Making it impossible to sleep during the day

We can shelter ourselves from the sorrow
We can shelter ourselves from the pain
But we cannot shelter ourselves from daydreams

© Michelle Causley

Here a few things I have wrote in my thinking .... hope you enjoy them.

What love means to me...
Love... what is it really.. is it an emotion... a feeling... a statement... or something that just causes so many problems that it isn't worth talking about... or is loving something more than that.. to me..love is the feeling when you see that special person and all you want to do is have your arms around them and touch them.. love is the emotion that causes pain in the heart when you haven't seen that special person in so long...love is not the same for every person.. there is the love from friend to friend.. there is love from parent to child.. there is love from lover to lover....and there is love from stranger to stranger.... even though this love is named the same.. it has totally different meanings. Above all ....the purpose of love is the same .. in the sense that.. in my thoughts .. love is the bond that holds people together whether a stranger or a loved one... forever.. even though that person may not know it is is still there.. it is that special bond that allows us to know that you cared about ..and knowledge that someone might be thinking the same about themselves...the bond how close or how far away is there always.....But the true sense of love is not an emotion...a feeling or a statement .. it is the overall commitment to one person for a lifetime and not feeling like that ever again about anyone else...."
By Michelle Causley

Another thought by me......

“sometimes when you dream .. do you dream of me ??? do you dream of what happened in the past .. the present.... the future.. and think why do I put myself through such torture ???....I dream.. I dream of things of long ago when everything was perfect..everything was humble.. everything was too good to be true...that was a time once lived and forgotten...I dream.. I also dream of bad things.. nightmares to say the least...nightmares of loss and nightmares of torment.. nightmares better left unsaid....these are the dreams of reality...but where does reality and the dream world exist ???....you can dream while awake ..and dream while you asleep....so is life just a dream ???” By Michelle Causley

One last thought for ya.....

“ A painter is the occupation that everyone has in life.... the world being the canvas and the people and objects in which we paint are our subjects.... we are free to choice our subjects.. our scenery...our colours.. and everything in the picture in which we find to be the most beautiful thing on earth.....then why is it that ....each others painting are different ??? Why does suicide happen when each painter paints their own picture ???... The perfect picture of where they chose the out come... this means that their world should be bright and colourful place.. in which they created and made for themselves....” By Michelle Causley

My Other Pages.....

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Email: MoonlightAngel