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Welcome to my page devoted to my wonderful friends. This page may take a bit to load due to the pictures on it. I will try to make them as fast loading as possible cause I know you have better things to do with your time !!!

Kirsten She chats in 25th under the handle Linden). She will make anyone laugh, and has been there for me everything I needed her. I will always remember our first road trip together, though abit crazy we still made it through it with no major problems.
Thanks for being there for me !!

Me and Kirsten in Washington... one of our many road trips!!!

Scott...He chats as Fooker around the net I have to thank you for all the times I needed ya, especially standing by my side when I needed ya the most.
I will always remember high school where I graduated from Euchre 101, with the help of the best teacher. (though he needs to learn that going alone on nine & ten don't always get you the points *gglz*)

This is a picture of me and my good friend Justin while camping a few years back. Justin is a cool guy when I can get ahold of him. But when we do always have a good time. Always can make me *smile* I have known him for a few years now. Found him on-line and been friends ever since.

This would be none other my really good friend Ryan.

I have known the is guy for a very, very, very long time.. but that is okay .. cause he isn't that bad of a guy. He is the best at the little things that he does....Car Audio. I have to admit that he knows what he is doing and can talk you in a grave about everything under the sun.

These are my good friends Theresa and Bill and thier children (Vanessa, William, Crystal, and Amy).... I try and visit them when I can.
I met Theresa ona really lame pager program awhile back and we clicked really well. I am happy that we still keep in touch with our busy lives !! *smiles*

This is the one and only Jen.

What can I say about her...*Ummm*...well she is a great gal that moved to London...away from us Brampton people to find a new life for herself...
But that is okay cause we all still keep in contact with each other and we miss the hell out her. She always knows where to find us when she needs help.
This is the girl to call if you want to have some fun. Especially if there is alochol around... but lately she has been on meds when the occassion has arrived.
She is also really into hockey... ya you know that Canadian sport.. with the sticks and such...nobody says that you have to be a man to appreciate the sport..and believe me.. Jen and Kirsten will both beat that one into ya...j/k !!
Jen we miss you alot...*hugs*

This would be a new friend of mine Shawn.

He lives 6 hours from me in Sault Ste. Marie... But really that far when you are well travelled like me.. that is just like a little ride in the country.. *smiles*.
I met him in February on a chat I am a regular at...(The Gatherings)...and we hit it off great.
We found out that we had alot in common... movies.. poetry.. and waht not.. and that was started off to be a start of a beautiful friendship.
Through e-mails and phones calls and a chat here and there we have become pretty good friends.

This is my good friend Chandra.

She chats under the handle Dollie/Upandova

Though she is shy, when she has something to say watch out, she will say her peace!

Thanks for being there for me all these years. *hugs*

This is Jason and Sarah.. yet another of my engaged friends. Theya re getting amrried in 2001. Though that might be so far away.. they already have most of it planned. *gglz*...(now if they both show up on time will be a new one j/k guys)

Jason is another of my long time friends from high school, he also graduted from Euchre 101. *l*...what can I say...he is a great guy. Though he has his faults, one of being always late. But he always makes everyone laugh and there when you really need him. (if you an get ahold of him that is...j/k... you are great and I am happy to have you as one of my friends.

Sarah is Jason finace. Yes that is correct soemone actually puts up with Jay's crap. I have to give her guts. Nah.. Sarsh is great.. she tries really hard to try to get Jay on some kind of time line.. nad actually makes sure he doesn't forget about his friends. Also she is a pretty good Euchre... and that is all that counts.. *l*... but I hope in the future... I will be able to have a better friendship with her.

This is Randy.

He chats as Ranger in 25th Hour

He is a good friend of mine; known him since I was 13.

Been through hell and high water with him.

I hope we have many more years of friendship *hugs*

These two friends of mine are Crystal and her Husband Greg.

Crystal is a very special person to me. She is my cyber sis... but alos one of closest and dearest friends. To say the least we have gone through alot of the years. But we have made it through it alot and are still friends. I went and visited her this past summer had a blast even though I was only there for a few days. But it was still worth the trip. Hopefully somtime soo I will be able to go back and visit with her.. or even better have her come up here ( she lives in Arkansas... and I am in Toronto... 16 hour drive pretty hard to do at times). But evevn though there is a distance between us.. youa re always in my thoughts.

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