The Rose Garden
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Welcome to my small space on the web.

Over the past few years of having this site it has come to my conclusion that there is nothing on here that is too exciting. WELL LOOK PEOPLE... I am going to change that!!! Over the next few months I am going to redo my site and change the things that are too normal. Yes it will still have a picture of me.. A more up to date one...but I will also have something here that will keep you coming back... (unsure what that will be quite yet *l*)

Of course I will try to keep loading down to a minimuim.... unlike a few peoples pages where you are waiting for several java applets to load.. I will avoid that. I hate them.. so I won't use them.. *smiles*..

Oh ya.... last but not least...I do have ICQ.... you can get ahold of me there.. at 5549565

Oh well unto the rest of my page !!!! *smiles*....

I wish to tell you first off.. I will try to keep my opening page to the what you really need to know. I know you go to alot of people pages and you go scanning down the page and down the page wanting to know when it is going to end. Well I have developed a way to stop that insanity. Correct.. I have other pages that are more specific to each area that you might like to know about. Of course if you would like to go to those other pages. *smiles*.. No pushing .. (psst.. I took time to do these them..glance at them...something okay..)

This page will also have a lot of links that you will either click on or is your choice. But anyways I hope you will stay read and enjoy... I would for you to comment on anything you like or dislike...cause I would love to know what you think ! You can email me at anytime ...

I am 26 years old. Live in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. I have reddish blonde hair...(I know that is not reflected in this particular picture.. but I am working on it), blue eyes, 5'2, average build.. with a few extra pounds... but working on that. I have been told that I am a very friendly person, easy to talk to, and very trusting. (but not that trusting...I am smart) Oh did I forget to put in there stubborn... Oh sorry. I am a LEO...what else would you expect.. *smiles* But that is what they say ..and I hope that. I am all that they say.
I have 3 tattoos. One on my right arm about 2 inches under my wrist on the inside, of a long stem red rose with two petals falling off it. It was designed by a friend of mine. I also have another tattoo on my left leg on the inside about a inch above my ankle of a red rose with the stem encircling around the infinity sign. (look like a side ways figure eight pattern). Number three would be a barbarb wire circle with the Japanese symbol for pride in the center of it.(no picture of it yet)

I have lots of hobbies...and interests which you can read and see at My Hobbies Page.
In my free time I write poetry.
Have a Directory of Poems listed there.
My whole work...over 100 poems listed...and a few of my friends are listed there also.
Go take a look and tell me what you think. *smile*

Also in my free time I like to chat. I have met alot of cool and interesting people over the past five years on the net. All different ages, ethnic backgrounds, and interests. Through my travels I have met alot of people face to face... and enjoyed every momnet of my journeys. I cherish each and everyone of you for the time you have spent chatting with me and for the caring and loving thoughts you have all given me from one time to another. *HUGS* Some of these people can be found on my Friends page and you can view some of thier pictures of them on my Friend Pic's page. Go take a look. You might even see someone you know..*smiles*


Well currently I am in between jobs. I hate that phrase but that is what I am. I am currently looking for work. But since Sept 11/2001. Things here in Canda have been a little slow and lacking in the job department.

My Other Pages.....

Hobbies Music Friend Pic's Poems
Friends Links Main Page Movies

Email: moonlightangel25