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Red Rose Movies Page !!!

I would to share with you a few of my favourite movies, and a few of my favourite actors. I know that not all of you will agree with my opinions on these movies but that is the reason we have free speech. *grins* I have to tell ya first that my favourite types of movies are suspense/thriller/horror movies. I also do like comdies too. So you will see a bit of everything.

Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt is the actor that I totally follow throughout his movie career. He has played many different roles througout his blooming career, though most of his movies are based are action/supsense/thriller.
The one movie that stands out in my mind is Se7en. He plays a awesome role as a detective how along with Morgan Freeman is this crime thriller which has made alot of people think a bit more the seven deadly sins. The movie starts off with Mills (Brad Pitt) investigating a few murders in which seem unlinked at first. Throughout the movie the two dectectives find that they are more linked than meets the eye. The thing about this movie is that they leave nothing to the imagination they show all the blood and gore. If you can stomach a bit of gore I suggest this movie.
Another movie that he plays a great role in is Lengends of the Fall. In this movie is plays a gorgeous cowboy who wins his dead brother's finace heart, while his other brother trys everything in his power to make his life work, even if it betrays all the family values, that his father has worked to achieve. I really enjoyed this movie. Heart touching, and tad on the melodramatic side, but it is worth seeing.
Brad Pitt has showed many sides of myself in his movies. In Sleepers he plays a lawyer determined to make his childhood abusers pay for the crime they did on him and his three friends while in youth detention center after a a prank kills a innocent man. Sleepers has alot of explicit sexual and abusive material in it. Some people with weak stomachs or can't handle abusive situations may want to pass on this movie.
In Seven Years in Tibet Pitt betrays a rock climber that goes against all the odds to survive,a nd ends up in the palace of the H.H. Dalai Lama. After being allowed the palace the Dalai Lama wants to tell him of his world outside of his walls. The movie is a very touching story. I suggest renting it, it might even make you think about the values in your life you take for grant it.

Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler is one of the most funniest comdiens thes days. His lastest movie WaterBoy is one of the most funniest movies out there. His fly by comedy, and quick puns about everything under the sun, makes you pee your pants right there in the threatre. I suggest you see it.
Another of his movies that is quite popular is The Wedding Singer. In thsi movie he plays non other than a wedding singer , that is too be married but than gets left at the alter by his bride to be. In the mean time he meets the girl of his dreams whom is played my Drew Barrymore. Well throughout it all lots of laughs and lots of tingly feelings after he gets the girl. Watch it, it is great and the music is excellent.
Though Adam Sandler is not everyone's favourite actor, he does an awesome job of making the audience laugh with his sometimes rude and crude jokes. You can also get Sandler on Cd, in which he sings some hilarious songs.

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Children of the Corn
Children of the Corn is based on Stephen Kings short story written about a decade ago. The first movie in the series, was not the best movie made in a blockbuster budget way, but it is still well done. Now most people would not like these movies due to the blood and gore, but I enjoy them.
Children of the Corn the first in the series, erupts many views of the greater forces around us. The kids in a small farming community, named Gatlin, are influenced by a greater unknown force named "he who walks behind the rows". The kids kill thier parents and than it goes on from there. Now I will not give away this ending in case you want to see it. I like may not..but why not try.

Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey is one of the most successful actors around. He started off his career on the Tv Show "In Living Color" . There he showed his bizarre side of taking the bulls by the horns and making everyone laugh at his crazy anticts.
In his movie Ace Ventura: Pet Detective he pays a pet detective nad his case is to find the lost Miami Dolphins mascot. Carrey does an awesome job of making the whole auidence laugh. With his ability to improv so well and his fasical features; he is always able to keep everyone on thier toes.
Truman Show was not one of his better movies. The movie was well done for being on such a big bugdet, but the story line was a littlenot to be desired. Though still Jim Carrey made us laugh. One of the best scenes in the movie was when he was in the bathroom and using a bar of soap on the bathroom mirror, pretending he is an astornaut. It is hilarious.
Have you ever lied ??? Even a little white lie ??? Of course you have. In the movie Liar Liar, a couple who has a son, has a bit of a problem. Jim Carrey, the father, can't stop lying. On his son's birthday, the boy makes his birthday wish that his father not ever lie again. This causes alot of problems. Making Carrey to get out of all the lies he has made over his life. This is a hilarious movie. It makes you think about how much you do lie in your life.
Cableguy, another of Jim Carrey's great comedy movies, betrays him as none other than the cable guy just trying to make some new friends. As the tv as his life line through his whole he lives his life as if he was character on tv. Throughout the movie you get flashes of past tv shows which will make you laugh, Jim Carrey does an awesome job in this flick.

Morgan Freeman