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~*Hiya Everyone!!! Just so you know there is no way to turn this music off unless you turn your speakers off. I like the music on all of my pages and this is how I want you to view it. =) So enjoy! Oh yeah can ya'll do me a favor? My first guest book got hacked :( so now I only have like 5 people in it. SO please sign it for me.*~

Oh wow everyone I just wanted to say congrats to my brother and his new wife Ruby. Yeah it is true my brother Joey just got married. *well he did 2 months ago but he just now told his wonderful lil sis (the butthead was in paris and forgot about me)* So everyone lets uh cyber toast to them. Joey and Ruby I hope you guys have the best life's ever. Now that Ruby is in my brothers life she is in mine. So I am gonna make a huge effort to try and get to know her. I am sure they are right for eachother. If they weren't then Joey wouldn't be with her. So some silly thing had to have pulled them together. Yes I say love as being silly cause it works in strange ways. Joey I love ya and u are the best bro in the world. Ruby you better take care of him he is everything to me and I don't wanna see him hurt. *cling chin chime* (whatever that is) hehehe there is your toast ya guys! Love yas! :)

WOO HOO we are the best ever!!! Oh yeah today is grad!!!! June 19th 1999!!! Oh yeah!!! Class of 99!! I am sooo happy for all of my friends who will be walking across the stage tonight!!!! I wish I could be there so damn bad! But know I am stuck in this god forsaken hick ass town!! Oh well I will get to see them in all there glory via tape lol. Woo hoo well this is for all my friends at I.H.S K.H.S W.H.S and M.S.J (irvinton i.h.s is the best school though even though they jacked me over)Love you all!!!! Best wishes in the future! Don't forget me =)


Hey everyone I hope you all like my page. =) It is always being changed so come back every now and then to see what I have added on. I will tell you a bit about myself: I live in California,I am 18 years old. I am a freshman at Brooks College in Long beach, Ca. I am from Eureka though. I met my boyfriend down here. His name is Doc. He is in the Marines. :) I really like him alot. :) Lets see more about me: I like to ride and hang out with my friends. I love country music. Shooting pool, shopping, camping, you name it and I do it. I am going home for christmas on the 17th. woo hoo I get to go home. I am planning on Doc coming up as well so he can meet my fam. Not sure if he will be able to. Just have to wait and see. Well thats enough about me. Laters duders!

Grandpa, Grandma, - I don't know how to tell you guys how much you mean to me. I don't know what I would do with out you guys.I love you both so much. You mean alot to me. Thanks for letting me live with you so that I can go to school here. *snozels* =)

Chelsea~ Hey there lil sis =) Whats up? Well you know you are the best, even though you bug me all the time. I know you don't mean to so it is alright I guess. You have really grown lil sis. You are still the nagging high screaming lil girl but there is a difference in you now. I love you!!! I just wanted to say I love you boo.

Mom this star is for you! You are the big blue star in my life. hee hee Thanks for all your help on my web page. Without you I wouldn't be able to make this the best it could be. You teach me something new everyday! =) I love you tons. All your pages are great. =) Keep up all the good work! Mom you know you are my best friend. You help me thru so much whenever I need someone to talk to you are there and when I am down you always know how to make me smile. =) I don't know what I would ever do without you. I know I have not been the best daughter but those days are long over and I am a new person and I am this person now because of all the help and love that you have gave to me. I just want to tell you that I love you very much and I guess harvey smart is cool too hee hee. (anyone who knows my mom knows harvey) You are the best mom! Thank you so much for everything.

Dad~ Hey there. I just wanted to say that u are a pretty cool guy. I am glad u and my mom are back together. I know she is happy and so are u. Wow u are so much fun lol we have had our hard times and well now only good can come from those. I had alot of fun this weekend. :o) Well you still have to come see me down in long beach and learn to surf. Oh yeah and when I get seth and cody.....(my black labs) ya better take care of them. lol love ya duders!

Here are links to more of my Home Page:

My baby & Family Pictures - Page 1

Me & my Friends - Page 2

My lil sis's page :o)

The GREATEST Cat in the Whole World

(He is now in heaven.)

Scott~ Hey there my sexy lil husband ha ha I miss u soooooo much!!! I can't wait to come see u again! So how is Brandon (the new man in your life)? I bet u guys look so cute together! Wow we have seen it all together ha ha. Damn we do so much and yet we get so lil done! ha ha You are the best ya know. So stay sweet and go easy on the make-up ha ha I love ya scottie poo! Okay so yeah anyways talk to you laters dude! oh yeah and WRITE me back damnit!

Nat~ hey there whats up? how are ya? I hope you are alright! Damn we have been thru alot. We always get in fights over stupid stuff but you know I love ya (not gay) and we are cool. wow you are with Josh now.....and engaged! man u amaze me! I am soooo happy for you guys! I hope everything works out I know u will make it happen cause ya just gotta! I love you. I love ya! We are so much closer now!!! I love you always sis. =) You Sabrina and I are the true AQUABRATS =) hee hee Peace.

Amy~ Hey there whats up? Well I just wanted to say that you are one of my really close friends. You are the bestest! I am sl glad we are talking like we used to :) I love you gurl. I hope everything is working out for you these days. I know I am no around anymore but I still call ya and e-mail you as much as I can. I miss you sooooo much!!! Smile cutie pie!!! Give robert my love and tell baby B and your lil sis howdy for me!!

Sabrina- hey there chicky boo! What would I do without you? I have no idea. You are great. I am happy that I met you back in the 4th grade. Wow that was so damn long ago huh! We have been through everything together.I love you babe. You are the best. I am sorry about all of the stuff you are going thru and I want you to know that as long as I live I will be there every step of the way because you are my best friend. You are always there to help me out. When I am sad you cheer me up. I am a very lucky girl to have you as a close friend! I am so glad that u and Jedd are together! I can't wait to come and see u guys. I am soooooo ready! Tell Jedd he is still mean to me but I love him dearly and not to make you sad ever cause I will kick his ass. Oh yeah I know uh.... well lets just say I can do it! You know you are like a sis to me so take care.

Seallie~ Hey there babe. I just wanted to let you know that you are my sister always and forever. =) I will always be there for you. We have been through alot and will go through alot more as the years go by. =)I miss you! I haven't talked to you in like forever! Where have you been? I hope your summer is a kick ass one to remember. I wanna hook up before I go to college in the fall! So e-mail me or write me. You rock sweetie. I love ya! Nacho and Tommy for life. =) hee hee =)

Angela~ Hey you whats up Dildo? lol 24' woo hoo well you know I can't wait for a SATURDAY =) lol you are one awesome chicky! I love ya like a sis. Hope you have a great time in fresno. We all know u will cause well u are u! Ha Ha no getting around that! You are so awesome. I can't believe we are only gonna be like 3 or 4 hours away from eachother! We can like party all the time! oh yeah woo hoo!!! Well babe I miss u. :( I hate saying it but I do. So I hope u are taking good care of my sis's and they are doing the same for u! Love yas!


~* Joe*~ Hey you sweetie! What is up? I just wanna say thanks for everything. You are the best brother I never had. =) Hee hee. You have helped me thru so much. What would I do without you? Whenever I am down you cheer me up. =) I am so happy for you and Maria. I know you guys will be together forever. You have done alot in your life and I am just learning about everything. hee hee even the really funny stuff. =) Well hun I guess what I am saying here is you are a wonderful brother. =) I love ya. You mean alot to me! Stay you and NEVER change! =) Wow ya'll I just wanted to tell you that my brother is now a married man! I will get a pic of him and his new wife up here soon.

This is in memory of one of my good friends Matt. He is a wonderful friend and great to talk to about anything and everything. He has touched my heart in many ways. He is very kind, sweet, loving and understanding. He had many friends and things in his life. He played hockey and he loved it. Whenever I needed to talk or to laugh I would just find him and he would make me happy. We have never met =( and that makes me sad because I wanted to meet him so bad. He is the kind of guy who puts u first before him. I love him. I know that he is safe in the heavens above but I wish that he was still alive. I miss him alot. I just want you all to know how great he was. =)I have found the right Angel for him. =) I know that he loves me and he knows I love him. One day we will meet. =) It will be great.

Links To My Special Friends Home Pages:

my cute lil sis's page =)

Shaylon's Favorite Places:

*** YAHOO *** Great Chat

*** ICQ *** Talk with friends

*** BLUEMOUNTAIN *** really cool ani cards

*** DOWNLOADS *** downloads for yahoo

*** R&J *** A really neat romeo and juliet page!

*** EVER AFTER *** a cool page of the new movie ever after a cinderella story

*** BEANIE BABY CARDS *** Cute cards

*** GREAT MIDIS ON THE WEB *** cool midis!

*** FUNNY JOKES AND TESTS *** it is so funny you just gotta check it out!

*** NASTY JOKES *** only for people who like a nast joke every now & then. hee hee

*** YAHOO GAMES *** cool games on the net!

*** YAHOO CHAT *** great for meeting new people!

*** 8-BALL *** if you have a yes or no ? then go here and get a answer!

Thanks for stopping by PLEASE take the time to let me know that you were here =)

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