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Blue Havok By Me

Blue havok reaks in the pit of despair. For I am within a tight

hold that cannot be broken. Who am I to judge and proclaim.

For you aren't a dove of love of light or fame. Mental illness

has invaded me once more. Too many days of emptiness and

greed. I think life has taken it's turn. To hurt, conquer, and

obtain. Where have the people gone ? Where have they decided

to dwell? For I am alone in this atmosphere. Here I stand

looking through the utterness of life. Showing no restraint I

carve into myself. I carve a symbol of difference. Mentality has

begun once more among the underprivilaged. For once more I

have succeeded without withold. The light I had seen only once

in my lifetime has shown. It has emitted out of a black hole

which was never there. As the cold bitterness subsides to the

ground, a red light has replaced it, and there will never be

another light.
