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Poetry By Jewel Kilcher

"Long before I wrote my first song, words formed as poems in my journals; and poetry drives my song writing today. I've learned that not all poetry lends itself to music-some thoughts need to be sung only against the silence. Poetry is the most honest and immediate art form that I have found, it is raw and unfiltered. It is a vital, creative expression and deserves to find greater forums, to be more highly valued, understood, and utilized in our culture and in our lives. There is such wonderful poetry in the world that wants to be given voice.. My hope is to help inspire an appreciation and expression of that voice." - JEWEL


I don't know how to do anything/ I am trying to move mountains with words/ But I am not an ant/ I scribble/ I drool/ I move like a worm/ whose world/ (words)/ encompassed a mile/ How do I rise above?/ Where will this warm/ find wings?/ I look in the mirror/ and I see filth/ Who is that?/ Where did the Angel go?/ Why is there dirt?/ staring back at me?/ Why is the soil of/ incompetence beneath my nails?/ Why does doubt paint/ blue rings/ beneath my eyes and/ stain my skin?/ Why does my spine assume failure/ Why do my lips/ flirt with the sky;/ why do I try to lasso/ Beauty with such a / pitful rope?/ Where is the hair of Rapunzel?/ or Samson?/ Where is my sling/ Where is my stone,/ My gun?/ Where is the weapon with which/ I may fight this apathy/ that feels like sleep/ in my limbs/ that loosens my brother's smile/ that kills my neighbor's daughter/ This pen is scrawny and hardly/ seems able to ink out/ or erase this plague that infests my/ Generation/ This Giant, This Ogre/ The Beast, This Death/ that assumes a million faces,/that borrows my own.

Upon Moving Into My Van

Joy, Pure, Joy, I am

What I always wanted

to grow up and be

Things are becoming

more of a dream with

each waking day-

The heavy brows of Daily Life

are becoming encrusted

with glitter and the shaking finger

of consequence is

beginning to giggle

Grumpy old men

have wings

Bums sport halos

and everyday dullness

has begun to breath

as I remember the

incredible lightness

of living

I Look At Young Girls Now

I look at young girls now

in their tight crushed velour

skin tight blue sky

hip huggers with the baby doll

tank tops

and I think

I've been there.

God have I been there.

Sixteen years old and

wrestling with an overwhelming

newfound sexuality

Parading it in all its

raw and awkward charm.

I had a pair of vintage

burgundy velvet short-

shorts that laced up

the sides

from the 1920's

and I wore them with a tight leotard

and a plastic faux pearl


showing off all of my lanky

leggy blossoming

young on the verge

of womanhood for all the

free world to see

with no idea how to keep

a secret, especially my own.
