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Comfortably Consoled

As I was there in my room I looked out my window

What I saw ...took me away

The trees blew wildly as the leaves descended

Darkness and morbid thoughts overcame my mind

Night is my friend I knew...

The window opened and I greeted the freezing drops of water

The feeling of comfort ...

The clouds covered the sky with bluriness

Nature loves the ones that feel

I Feel the earth beneath

The wind bolted through the window

Sliced my comfort strangely

I thought it was there to greet me

and not take away my only friend

Closing the window I glanced outside

Evil creatures danced in an utter gaze

They twirled and stared into a nothingness

Eagerly I watched in complete amazement

Quickly I ran outside to join their bliss

Gone were the images I loved.

The frosty gorgeous rain became warm.

Clouds gently cleared and the moon caressed the sky.

The sky turned into a ugly dark blue solid shade of color.

Leaves blew away in unison leaving the ground bare.

I shut the window and took one last look

As I left the outside behind and let it rot