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Squeegee's Non-Stop Wondering Mental Babble

Say Hello to the "No-No Monkey!!

November 30th, 2000 -Long Time No See
July 9th, 2000 -True Hero
June 1st, 2000 -HTML Coder/Designer
May 25th, 2000 -Career Change
April 10th, 2000 - A New Hobby

Wednesday - November 30th, 2000 - Long Time No See

Boy, it sure has been some time since I even had the urge to update this website. I have to admit that I have been online almost everyday. But I just had so many other interests that I never felt that I would have the tiem to spend to type in the HTML to update this place. Seems that the new high speed internet line that my girlfriend had installed brought new life for me. I am not able to watch websites load up VERY fast as well as spend time at the numerous news related sites and watch the video clips. Cable access is GREAT!!

I will set aside some time this week to get into more details on what has been going on with my life over the past few months. I am still with my girlfriend and she just recently got a new dog. It's a five year old female Welsh Corgi who is pure breed (New Zealand papers). She got her last week before Thanksgiving and we have been getting to know her ever since. She is sure a character, so much that I know I will end up talking about here on this page.

More postings will follow.. I do add in that the game "The Sims" have taken up the times I woudl have had to update this website. I seemed to have gotten into making the "skins" for the game. And this takes time since I like to pay attention to the details on what I make.

I hope all is well..

Sunday - July 9th, 2000 - True Hero
The true hero is the one never recognized. The one never featured on a newspaper or whose face is splashed on national television. I firmly believe this. Because, it shows that the person did what they felt was right. And not from what fame they might get after the fact.

In the last month or so I have been trying to learn more about the Korean War. Mainly on what the experiences the Marines had during the Chosin Reservoir campaign. In one of the books that I had read, they had talked about a situation where one lone American stalled the advancing Chinese.

After the Cold War, an old Soviet Advisor had approached Americans at some location and talked about what he has seen during the Chosin campaign. He mentioned a sight of a lone American who was perched high on the peaks that surround the one road leading out of the Chosin area. He talked about this man who moved from location to location tossing grenades and firing his rifle that kept the line of advancing Chinese pinned down. These actions alone kept the Chinese from overtaking the end of the Marines whom were trying to get to the coast.

After an allotted amount of time, the Chinese were were able to aim artillery into the high ground and finally silenced that lone American. The Soviet Advisor recalled that the actions of this man directly kept the Chinese back to a point that they were then unable to catch up to the rear of the Marine column. This lone man who today is still unknown, saved the lives of countless fellow Marines. This is what I am talking about.

There are stories in the newspapers about people who stop and help others from burning cars or homes. And then they leave before the victim has a chance to say thank you. It's these actions that I also speak of. These heroes who go on with there daily tasks and don't say a word. Who might smile late that night and know only to themselves that they had saved another human being that day.

Where do these heroes learn such actions? This can not be something that is taught in a classroom setting or something that they see in movies. Can it? People are born with the "flight or fight" trait. Born with it or without it. These heroes all display the "fight" part of the trait. In the split time that something drastic happens. They think out what they are going to do. Maybe they don't think about it at all. The body just moves forward or moves back. If anyone has witnessed something tragic happen in front of him or her. They know what I am trying to describe. If your ever able to witness the actions of people that happen to be around that tragic accident. You will some that just watch, some who back away and display fear and those that are already running towards the accident trying to help. The largest percentage of people just stare.

I do feel that years and years of watching violent action on the television has trained the mind to do what it's used to. And that is to just stare. This is also the reason you will always hear from people who say that, "it looked just like TV". With the amount of people who are growing up in front of the television and the amount of hours each day spent in front of those televisions, the amount of people who just "stare" seems to be increasing. It is my hope that this doesn't come to be. Maybe this is why there are few silent heroes in this day an age.

Thursday - June 1st, 2000 - HTML Coder/Designer
Well, here it is the first day of June and I am back to my 60 day postings on the babble page. I can't say that the thought doesn't get into my head to post more often. It actually does, it just takes some mental effort to be able to sit down and think about what I am going to share and in what order I want to place it in. This posting might be all over the spectrum, but I will at least give it a shot.
Yesterday was my 31st birthday. Keeping with the tradition that I have gone into. I had a normal day except I spend the day with my girlfriend. We went grocery shopping, and also I treated to us both to a move in the early evening. We went to see "Gladiator", which it was my second time. We went to the AMC theater in Santa Clara which consists of 20 screening rooms. The seats were the biggest I have seen. The prices were decent with the price of the ticket at five dollars each. Not bad in the age of movie tickets costing $9 or more.

I gave a teaser in the last posting from a few days ago that stated that I was trying to make a career change. I am still going for this change. What I am shooting for is this IT field. My hobby has always been computers for the last few years. I was able to teach myself HTML and also within the last two years I have learned how to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Being "self-taught" does have it's drawbacks. But, it also shows a willing to learn without being told or supervised.

What I have noticed, is that Silicon Valley companies are in demand of people like me. I recently came across a job offer for a "HTML Coder/Designer". What they wanted, was someone who can hand type in HTML and also have background in Photoshop. Since I learned HTML on a public library computer that did not have the "paste" or "copy" option. I am very experienced with HTML by typing it in by hand. What wages were quoted?? Once I state it, you will see how unrealistic it is. But keep in mind that companies around here need people, and yet have to do something to get those people through the door. Many companies already offered company leased BMW's as a signing bonus. Also, the job is considered "contracted" which means I would not be an actual employee but a hired private contractor whom would have to supply my own health insurance. Knowing this, I will say that the job pays between $80 to $100 an hour.

Now, you can see where I would feel I am in the wrong career field. As I type this, I have updated my resume and started to apply to positions that offer that same sort of job. Wish me luck!!

I am still addicted to the game, "The Sims". I am playing it more but I have not been able to make as many skins for the game itself. Maybe the fact that I have been pretty busy and away from the computer for the last two weeks also ties into the factor. I am at the point now where I need to make some more clothing for those little Sim people. Hey, might seem odd but that also gives me more experience in working with Photoshop!!
Today is the day that I had north to my mothers place to spend the afternoon and evening working on the chores around her duplex. I had promised the next door neighbor that I would remove the Cactus that is growing out of control on the left side of the property. It appears that I bit off more then I can chew. This cactus is actually a bunch of cactus growing close to each other. And I find out after that to effectively remove the cactus would mean that I would have to remove the roots with a truck!! But the way I see it. Is that if I take my time and clear the cactus out in stages so that it dries out. Then maybe it will be much more easier to remove the roots. I am not afraid of hard work, but I will take this as a learning experience.

Also, it seems that my mother recently hired a roofer to place in a new roof. He quoted her $4400 for the job and it was the cheapest. She had called 15 roofers, got 5 calls back and this guy was the only one that came out that same day and quoted her a price. He even quoted her cheaper then what others stated over the phone. What is great about this guy, is that he gave her his license number and all the needed information so she can do checks on his record. Which came back clean. After further talking to this guy, it ends up that he grew up with my uncle Danny and that he was his best man at his wedding!! Small world. At least after knowing this I am more satisfied that this guy will do decent work and not screw around.

Other then that, this is what has gone on in my world in the last two months. It might appear bland, but at least I did not have to share any bad experiences. I was lucky enough (knock on wood) to not have any these past sixty days. :)

Friday - May 25th, 2000 - Career Change
Sorry, this is only a teaser to get you to come to this Babble page in the next few days to read what I have been up to since the last posting. At this time, I am currently going through a career change. After finding out how much a "HTML Coder/Designer" is paid in the Silicon Valley. I have decided to get out of what I am doing now and going into the IT field. You would be VERY surprised at the hourly wages they are offering. I was so surprised that I am going to take the plunge!!

CHeck back in a day or so and I will share what else I have been up to.

Monday - April 10th, 2000 - A New Hobby

Alright, I do admit that I have been one sorry lazy slob in not getting myself into the trend of keeping this babble page up to date. It's not that I have been just so busy that I haven't had the time. It's more that I just don't have the amount of things going on in my life to be able to share it.

My mind is always thinking. I am still reading more and more. In fact, I just recently finished a VERY good book about the many myth's of the Vietnam era veteran's. I recommend the book, "Stolen Valor" by B.G. Burkett to all. The author spent years of of his time and money to bring the information to the reader. It has to do with the stereotype of what America has made to the Vietnam veteran. They are not homeless, unemployed, killers, wife-beaters, heavy drinkers and drug addicts.

The author uncovers that many of these "veterans" are not even valid veterans!! Many, and I do mean MANY don't even rate to wear the numerous medals they say they earned. The book is roughly 700 pages, but well stocked with facts. Again, I recommend the book highly.

Since it's been a few months that I last posted in this page. I really haven't had anything new happen to me. I am still very much involved with my girlfriend. It's trying at times, but I think I am doing my best. I also stumbled across a new hobby that I enjoy.

A month or so ago my girlfriend and I got the computer game "The Sims". It a simulation where you control the loves of little simulation people. Well, I found out how to design and make clothing for these guys and I am addicted!! Using Adobe PhotoShop I am able to make some very nice uniforms and other lines of clothing. My work is featured at the The Sims Hideout. The Tuxedo collection that I made is proving to be the most popular. With about 800 downloads so far!!

I haven't really been paying attention to this website at all. I also have stayed away from the turn-based online games that I used to play. I am in the process of taking a good vacation from them. The reason being is that I have grown tired of trying to play those games in a sea of ebonic speaking kids. It brings the quality of the enjoyment down..

I will be posting more in a few days, I just have to get back into the movement again..:)
