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The Virgin

Earth - Mutable - Negative
Ruled by Mercury & Vulcan
Night Forces - Feminine

Perfection does not exist. To understand it is the
triumph of human intelligence; to desire to possess it
is the most dangerous kind of madness.

Her symbol may be the virgin, but she's no shrinking violet. A Virgo woman has a spine of stainless steel, and a will of iron. She has ideals, and dreams, and she will make them come true.

One dream in which she believes with all her soul is true love. For her it is not just an idea, it is a reality to be striven for. She will face hell and high water to procure it. She's the one woman in the zodiac that can be coldly practical and divinely romantic at the same time. She's a perfectionist, but that doesn't mean she herself is perfect. And her negative traits can be trying.

She's a stickler for organization and efficiency, and worships at the altar of punctuality. Whatever gifts you may bear, if you're late to pick her up, watch out...Oh, and you'd better look nice too. No Virgo woman can slovenliness, or bad language. The Virgo woman can be annoyingly meticulous about the small things, but she can also be the kindest, most generous and affectionate creature in the world.
