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Below is every cut scene from The Return Of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. They're in script format.

May 22, 1994

Cut Scene 1 - Jenny's House - Night


Jenny: Mother!

Door slams open...

Dad: "laughs with a creepy tone"

Jenny: Get out of my room!

Dad: What are you afraid of, huh? All I'm asking is for you to be a nice girl, no big deal, huh?

Jenny: Even if you weren't a slimeball aren't you forgetting that you're married to my mother?

Dad: You shut your damn mouth, I think you want it!

Jenny: Mother!! [ Screams ]

Dad: Who the f*ck do you think she'll believe anyway, huh!? Sh*t, either way you'll f*cking lose b*tch!


Mom: Jenny? Jenny? Jenny?...


Dad: Any damn word out of your mouth help me God...


Mom: Jenny?


Dad: If you know what's good for you you'll keep your pretty mouth shut!


Mom: Jenny?


Jenny: No mom it's ok, nevermind

Mom: You sure?

Jenny: Yeah.

Dad: Shit. What do you need?

Mom: No, I just thought...

Dad: You don't think, You're too damn stupid to think.


Door bell rings.

Mom: Oh, that must be Sean.

Dad: Hey, answer the goddamn door!

Cuts to Jenny and Sean getting pictures taken by her mom.

Very intense scene. Notice how it takes place in 1994 [ original date ] and not 1996.

Cut Scene 2 - Barry's Car - Night

Barry: It's like I can't even talk to my friends anymore, I can't believe how possessive you are!?

Heather: Oh right, I guess that's why you were feeling her up. [ In a sarcastic tone ]

Barry: I wonder why? What am I supposed to do, jerk off the rest of my life? It's not my fault if your frigid.

Heather: I am not

Cut Scene 3 - Barry's Car - Night

Barry crashes into another moving vehicle.

Barry: F*ck! What the f*ck's a matter with you!? My father's gonna kill me. [ turns and faces Heather ] Thank you very f*cken much!

Long and unecessary pauses are inbetween lines.

Cut Scene 4 - The House - Night

W.E.: "Among other evils that being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised." That's Nichalo Maciaveli. Now get!

Barry: Okay, okay. I need to use the bathroom anyway.

Slams the door on W.E. and locks it.

Barry: Dumbass! [ pauses for a bit ] Heather? [ walks up to the door ] Where's the phone? I'm calling the cops.

W.E.: Boy, you are dull as dish water.

Barry: Yeah right.

An interesting thing about this cut scene is that when Barry is in the house you can hear the cans being kicked around as he walks through the hall. This adds a cold and somber atmosphere to the house.

Cut Scene 5 - The House [ Bathroom ] - Night

Jenny and Darla are having a conversation in front of a mirror in the bathroom.

Darla: They've been doing this kind of thing for a thousand or two thousand years, I forget which, and nobody, I mean nobody knows their names. And that's who Vilmer works for.

Jenny: Oh, that's, that's interesting. What did you say your name was?

Darla: Darla. I've always hated that name.

Jenny: I'm Jenny.

Darla: Well, I'll tell you miss Jenny, it is a pleasure to meet you.

Darla: Is there maybe something I should know? That I can do?

Darla: Well with Vilmer I guess it's always a good idea to keep your mouth shut. Do what he tells you. Oh! Don't make him mad.

Above are all the verbal cut scenes. Below you will find all the non-verbal cut scenes.

Cut Scene 6 - The Woods [ near Darla's office ] - Night

Jenny, Barry, and Heather walk towards Darla's office as southern music is echoing in the background [ displaying the gang as lonesome rangers ].

In The Next Generation the camera quickly cuts to them already in front of the office.

Cut Scene 7 - The Woods - Night

Barry and Heather run after a speeding car shouting for the driver to stop, leaving Jenny alone in the dirt. Jenny gets tired of standing and sits for a while, in a confused state. Eventually the scene cuts back to Barry and Heather walking further into the woods. Jenny's still sitting in the same spot doing nothing.

Cut Scene 8 - The Woods / House - Night

Barry and Heather walk towards the house. You see them talking from a far distance [ dialogue is edited into the scene ]. The camera then gets a close-up shot of them.

In The Next Generation it cuts to them already at the house.

Uncut Scene 9 - The House [ Butcher Room ] - Night

Leatherface grabs Heather from the meatlocker and impales her on the meathook. A variety of different angles are shown [ deleted for The Next Generation ].

Cut Scene 10 - The Woods - Night

Jenny escapes the wrath of Leatherface. As Jenny escapes, quick camera shots of Leatherface are flashing [ deleted for The Next Generation ], as he's creeping in the darkness, through thick branches.

Great scene. Displays Leatherface's threat and intimidation over Jenny well.

Cut Scene 11 - The House [ Dining Room ] - Night

Vilmer lights Heather's back on fire yelling "Burn! Now watch her burn, watch her burn!"

Cut Scene 12 - The House [ Dining Room ] - Night

Rothman slowly comes to Jenny and begins licking her face. While this is happening, rock music is blaring in the background.

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