Below is every cut scene from The Return Of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. They're in script format.
May 22, 1994
Cut Scene 1 - Jenny's House - Night
Jenny: Mother!
Door slams open...
Dad: "laughs with a creepy tone"
Jenny: Get out of my room!
Dad: What are you afraid of, huh? All I'm asking is for you to be a nice girl, no big deal, huh?
Jenny: Even if you weren't a slimeball aren't you forgetting that you're married to my mother?
Dad: You shut your damn mouth, I think you want it!
Jenny: Mother!! [ Screams ]
Dad: Who the f*ck do you think she'll believe anyway, huh!? Sh*t, either way you'll f*cking lose b*tch!
Mom: Jenny? Jenny? Jenny?...
Dad: Any damn word out of your mouth help me God...
Mom: Jenny?
Dad: If you know what's good for you you'll keep your pretty mouth shut!
Mom: Jenny?
Jenny: No mom it's ok, nevermind
Mom: You sure?
Jenny: Yeah.
Dad: Shit. What do you need?
Mom: No, I just thought...
Dad: You don't think, You're too damn stupid to think.
Door bell rings.
Mom: Oh, that must be Sean.
Dad: Hey, answer the goddamn door!
Cuts to Jenny and Sean getting pictures taken by her mom.
Cut Scene 2 - Barry's Car - Night
Barry: It's like I can't even talk to my friends anymore, I can't believe how possessive you are!?
Heather: Oh right, I guess that's why you were feeling her up. [ In a sarcastic tone ]
Barry: I wonder why? What am I supposed to do, jerk off the rest of my life? It's not my fault if your frigid.
Heather: I am not
Cut Scene 3 - Barry's Car - Night
Barry crashes into another moving vehicle.
Barry: F*ck! What the f*ck's a matter with you!? My father's gonna kill me. [ turns and faces Heather ] Thank you very f*cken much!
Cut Scene 4 - The House - Night
W.E.: "Among other evils that being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised." That's Nichalo Maciaveli. Now get!
Barry: Okay, okay. I need to use the bathroom anyway.
Slams the door on W.E. and locks it.
Barry: Dumbass! [ pauses for a bit ] Heather? [ walks up to the door ] Where's the phone? I'm calling the cops.
W.E.: Boy, you are dull as dish water.
Barry: Yeah right.
Cut Scene 5 - The House [ Bathroom ] - Night
Jenny and Darla are having a conversation in front of a mirror in the bathroom.
Darla: They've been doing this kind of thing for a thousand or two thousand years, I forget which, and nobody, I mean nobody knows their names. And that's who Vilmer works for.
Jenny: Oh, that's, that's interesting. What did you say your name was?
Darla: Darla. I've always hated that name.
Jenny: I'm Jenny.
Darla: Well, I'll tell you miss Jenny, it is a pleasure to meet you.
Darla: Is there maybe something I should know? That I can do?
Darla: Well with Vilmer I guess it's always a good idea to keep your mouth shut. Do what he tells you. Oh! Don't make him mad.
Cut Scene 6 - The Woods [ near Darla's office ] - Night
Jenny, Barry, and Heather walk towards Darla's office as southern music is echoing in the background [ displaying the gang as lonesome rangers ].
Cut Scene 7 - The Woods - Night
Barry and Heather run after a speeding car shouting for the driver to stop, leaving Jenny alone in the dirt. Jenny gets tired of standing and sits for a while, in a confused state. Eventually the scene cuts back to Barry and Heather walking further into the woods. Jenny's still sitting in the same spot doing nothing.
Cut Scene 8 - The Woods / House - Night
Barry and Heather walk towards the house. You see them talking from a far distance [ dialogue is edited into the scene ]. The camera then gets a close-up shot of them.
Uncut Scene 9 - The House [ Butcher Room ] - Night
Leatherface grabs Heather from the meatlocker and impales her on the meathook. A variety of different angles are shown [ deleted for The Next Generation ].
Cut Scene 10 - The Woods - Night
Jenny escapes the wrath of Leatherface. As Jenny escapes, quick camera shots of Leatherface are flashing [ deleted for The Next Generation ], as he's creeping in the darkness, through thick branches.
Cut Scene 11 - The House [ Dining Room ] - Night
Vilmer lights Heather's back on fire yelling "Burn! Now watch her burn, watch her burn!"
Cut Scene 12 - The House [ Dining Room ] - Night
Rothman slowly comes to Jenny and begins licking her face. While this is happening, rock music is blaring in the background.