The Tools That Women Possess
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The Tools That Women Possess

What Women Do To Make Us Males Insane......

OK, here is the page that I've dedicated to those wonderful beings that can make us so happy, yet can destroy and crush us with a single thought or gesture....... yes, I'm talking about women. Yes women are nice, lovely, exquisite, and enjoyable to watch, but they can also be the cause of great heart break and frustration. One of the things about women that really chaps my hide is the whole flirting game. I know that many women consider flirting a game, but it's just darn wrong!!! Don't play around unless you really mean what your doing and want to play around for a while OK? I know that there are guys that are flirts, but they don't even come close to the minor female flirters. And who developed the whole flirting game anyway while we're on the subject. That person should be shot, severely beaten, hanged, cut open, poisoned, stabbed, mauled, dragged by a horse, hit by a bus, and slapped in the face for the turmoil he/she has caused the people of this planet. And how are us guys supposed to recognize flirting? There are always the real obvious ones like the eye roll thingy and the licking your lips, but it's the little subtle flirts that really get annoying. I mean, why can't a guy be nice to a girl without him being dubbed a flirt? Personal experience...... maybe, you'll never know!!! But it's these little minor flirts that you women expect us men to pick up. And when we don't, you get all rowdy and start to cry because you feel we're ignoring you. Most men are like myself, I am flirting oblivious. Let's take an extreme case..... say a girl was playing with my hands and saying that they were nice strong hands, I'd take that as a compliment, but my friend, whom is a girl, tells me otherwise. Is that oblivious? I think so. Still, ladies.... you've got us wrapped around your little finger. You speak and we come a callin'. Whatever happened to dinner and a romantic evening? All of us nice guys are now over run by flirts because that's what the majority of the women want. Don't worry fellas, all of us good guys will have our day.


Now lets talk about the one article of clothing that women wear that drive all of us men up the wall..... yes I'm talking about OVERALLS. One of the kindest, yet dirtiest, tricks that God has ever played on man was to invent overalls. It doesn't matter if the overalls are shorts or pants, each one is equally deadly and can improve a girls physical beauty by a whopping 20-30 points. But what is it that makes overalls so attractive? It has to be the straps, not to mention the cut of the clothing. And when do we see overalls the most.... in the summer of course. Personally, I'd rather see a girl in overalls than in a swimsuit. Overalls are a weakness to every man on this planet. That's why women wear overalls so often, so that they can gain a guys attention very quickly. Believe me ladies, the trick is working just fine. It might be a little extreme, but I consider wearing overalls a sign of flirting. Question, what do you do when you flirt? You're trying to get that someones attention, and one way that women can do that is to wear a pair of overalls. Forget lingere, teddies, and silk underwear, my wife isn't going to have any of those, she is going to have a closet full of overalls instead. Yellow overalls for spring, Green overalls for St. Patricks Day, and Red overalls for Christmas time. To some I might sound sick or just a little demented, but overalls are an unfair tool in the game of dating. In fact, overalls invented the term "Dressed to Kill". Don't worry, as this page gets a little larger, I'll surely be filling in this section on overalls!

Hair & Eyes

OK, I've explained the flirting game which drives us men insane and I've also explained the one article of clothing that drives us males insane, overalls,..... but what faetures on a girls head make her attractive? This is not a universal answer, unlike flirting and overalls, every man has his own preferances. Still, I believe that the majority of the male population enjoys the same features as I do. In my mind, there is a three way tie for the most atractive hair and eye combination on this planet. It doesn't matter if the girls hair is long or short because both are equally as nice. The three combinations are..... blue eyes with black/brown hair, green eyes with black/brown hair, and brown eyes with black/brown hair. Let me just say that there is nothing wrong with red heads or blondes, it's just that these three deadly combinations previously mentioned are the ones that turn me into putty when I am with a girl. There is nothing wrong with red heads either, in fact I know a few cute red heads (including one I just met from Australia). I have no idea what it is, but in my mind, blondes don't have all the fun (sorry Annie). I don't want to sound rude, but I think that the brunettes (black and brown hair) are just more attractive. Then again, who am I to speak on this subject? All women are different and should be able to look how they want. Still, you ladies continue to wear overalls, which us guys don't mind even though it is a little stressful at times. In conclussion, I would like to appoligize to anyone if I offended them by not stating that their eye and hair color combinations were not my favorite. Still, don't worry about trying to please me, I'm just a guy sitting in front of a computer writing what I think. Still, ladies..... the brunettes with the blue, green, and brown eyes do have one big advantage..... they can turn a guys heart, especially mine, to mush.

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