Niagara Falls ON
No Date Mfg Model Chassis No Body Body No UK Lic. Notes License
==== ==== === =========== =========== ==== ======= ======== =============================================================== =======
AEC Regent III 9612E1961 MCCW FYS 253 x-GLA A153; scrapped
AEC Regent III 0961 1090 WEY W1605 HLX 416 x-LT RT599;
BCV K6A 72097 ECW 2521 JFM 80 x-CVL DKA327; to PO (Detroit MI)
BCV K6A 74108 ECW 2531 JFM 90 x-CVL DKA337; to BSR
LEY PD2/1 494179 MCCW LT 3974 KGU 48 x-LT RTL598; to PO (Brockville ON)
AEC Regent III 0961 3613 SAU KXW 459 x-LT RT1360; to PO (Greece NY)
AEC Regent III 0961 5045 WEY W1451 LLU 767 x-LT RT1881; to PO (Utterson ON)
AEC Regent III 0961 5386 WEY W2051 LUC 90 x-LT RT1989;
AEC Regent III 0961 5494 WEY W1184 LUC 246 x-LT RT2020; to SDS
AEC Regent III 0961 6726 WEY W393 MLL 903 x-LT RT3593; to SDS
AEC Regent III 0961 6932 PRV L382 NLE 937 x-LT RT4273; to BBL
AEC Regent III 0961 7437 WEY W1834 NXP 821 x-LT RT3255; re-registered LLU 614
AEC Regent III WEY NXP 886 x-LT RT4633;
AEC Regent III 0961 7974 WEY W953 OLD 722 x-LT RT4502;
1960 AEC Routemaster R2RH3226 PRV WLT 318 x-PO (Surrey BC), MR01; x-LT RM318
1960 AEC Routemaster R2RH500 PRV WLT 504 to GCC; open top; x-BB, AU97; re-registered EDS 48A; x-LT RM504
1 1965 AEC Routemaster R2RH/1/2212 PRV L5533 CUV 255C x-LT RCL2255
2 1965 AEC Routemaster R2RH/1/2209 PRV CUV 252C x-LT RCL2252
3 1963 AEC Routemaster 2R2RH1647 PRV L4929 651 DYE x-LT RM1651 BA4 805
4 1965 AEC Routemaster R2RH2222 PRV CUV 165C x-LT RM2165 BA4 814
5 1960 AEC Routemaster R2RH579 PRV WLT 583 x-LT RM583 BJ2 736
6 1964 AEC Routemaster 2R2RH1905 PRV ALD 909B x-LT RM1909
7 1965 AEC Routemaster R2RH2263 PRV CUV 206C x-LT RM2206 BA4 803
8 1962 AEC Routemaster R2RH1238 PRV L4424 242 CLT x-LT RM1242 BC8 553
9 1964 AEC Routemaster 2R2RH1884 PRV L5139 ALD 888B x-LT RM1888 BA4 850
10 1963 AEC Routemaster 2R2RH1614 PRV 618 DYE x-MAN 2205; re-registered OKU 105A; x-LT RM1618 BA4 802
11 1962 AEC Routemaster 2R2RH1544 PRV L4702 548 CLT x-LT RM1548
12 1965 AEC Routemaster R2RH2231 PRV CUV 174C x-LT RM2174 AKHV705
14 1965 AEC Routemaster R2RH2219 PRV CUV 162C x-SOU 123; x-LT RM2162 BA4 813
15 1995 FORD E-350 SHC03128 WTI
17 1961 AEC Routemaster R2RH794 PRV WLT 797 x-BB, AU97; x-SOU 104; re-registered VYJ 542; x-LT RM797 BA4 845
18 1963 AEC Routemaster 2R2RH1600 PRV 604 DYE open top; x-BB, AU97; x-MAN 2203; x-LT RM1604 BJ6 939
19 1962 AEC Routemaster R2RH1098 PRV 102 CLT re-registered LSJ 872; x-LT RM1102
20 1965 AEC Routemaster 2R2RH2266 PRV CUV 209C open top; x-BB, AU97; x-LT RM2209 BJ6 943
21 1959 AEC Routemaster R2RH186 PRV VLT 187 x-BB, AU97; x-LT RM187 BK6 990
22 1963 AEC Routemaster 2R2RH1672 PRV 676 DYE re-registered BSL 161; x-LT RM1676 BK2 734
23 1962 AEC Routemaster R2RH1217 PRV 221 CLT x-LT RM1221
1707 SE75 MCI MC-5B S12088-7206 x-CHW 1226
AEC Associated Equipment Company Southall UK
BCV Bristol Commercial Vehicles Bristol UK
ECW Eastern Coach Works Lowestoft UK
LEY Leyland Motors Preston UK
MCCW Metro-Cammell Coach Works Birmingham UK
MCI Motor Coach Industries Winnipeg MB
PRV Park Royal Vehicles West London UK
SAU Saunders-Roe Beaumaris on Anglesey UK
WEY Weymann Addlestone UK
WTI World Trans Inc. Hutchinson KS
BB Beach Bus Kitty Hawk NC
BBL Borgan Bus Lines Batavia IL
BSR Bus Stop Refreshments Saskatoon SK
CHW Charterways Transportation Malton ON
CVL Crosville
GCC Gananoque Chamber of Commerce Gananoque ON
GLA Glasgow Glasgow UK
LT London Transport London UK
MAN Manchester Manchester UK
PO Private Owner
SDS Sammy's Double Scoop Port Dalhousie ON
SOU Southend Southend UK