A new "temporary" route due to HARBORD streetcar discontinued for CNR underpass construction at Davenport & Caledonia Park. (HARBORD car now terminates at St. Clarens Loop).
Bus route operates between Royce Loop and Townsley Loop via St. Clair, Davenport, south on Symington and east on Dupont to Royce Loop. Buses operate 7 days/wk, 15 hours/day out of Davenport Garage.
"KEELE" transfers temporarily in use.
January 30th, 1957
New "SYMINGTON" transfers in use as of this date.
June 26th, 1958
Co-incident with the re-opening of CNR underpass, SYMINGTON buses rerouted to run further east on Davenport to St. Clarens.
Service on Symington discontinued.
July 26th, 1958
Last day of operation, merged with extended 41 KEELE service the following day.