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All information posted is to the best of our knowledge, and all errors and omisssions will be corrected upon notification of same.

All photographs in this site are copyrighted by the credited photographer. Requests for copies and permission to reproduce images for any purpose must be sought from the copyright holders who can be contacted through the Society by e-mail or at the address listed below. (If a photographer's e-mail address is listed you may also contact that individual directly.)

All company logos are owned and copyrighted by the respective company and are used with (implied) permission.

This site is in no way connected with the Toronto Transit Commission or any other transportation company. This site is published solely for the purpose of promoting the Toronto Transportation Society and its' members' interests.

This site has no official endorsements.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Webmaster or the Society. Written enquiries may also be sent to:

Toronto Transportation Society
P.O. Box 5187, Station "A"
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
M5W 1N5

Last updated Febryuary 6, 2000


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