From Ashley
I've loved Oasis since the beginning, but I never really had a dream about them until now. My first dream occured about 3 weeks ago. Me and me best friend were staying at this really swakin hotel outside of Liverpool. It was really late at night and we decided that we wanted something out of a vending machine. The one on our floor was out of Skittles so we went to the floor above us. Right when we stepped out of the elevator there was Noel. He was kicking the vending machine screaming, "Damn it!" "Give me my money back you fucking machine!" My friend and I stood there for a long time laughing at him. All of a sudden he turned around and looked at us. I was so embarassed. The next thing I knew he said, "Ok smart ass you get my money." I started kicking the machine and luckily it came out. He started asking me tons of questions like where was I from? How old was I? What my name was? I couldn't believe it! He even invited me and my friend to his hotel room. We talked for a long time and watched the telly. When all of a sudden he popped the question of if I knew how to play the quitar. I told him that I wasn't very good at it. He then picked up his British Flag style electric quitar. He told me to play. I started strumming some chords when the next thing I knew his arms where around me teaching me how to play! Then I woke up. Too bad it was just a dream.

From "Flashbax"
I was at the Comedy Wherehouse at Pleasure Island (don't ask me why) and the jokes weren't that great so i was looking around and right next to me was the whole band, Noel sitting right next to me. (you don't understand how real this was) They all looked sort of bored and very angry with the bear there. I just though they were a bunch regular guys having fun. (if this were to happen in real life oh my god I dunno what I would do) I said to them,(in me bast man accent) "America has shit beer don't you lot think?" and Liam popped up and said " Yer fuckin' right about that one mate." I told them about myself and I told them that moved to California from Manchester. I had a feeling Noel and Liam fancied me for some reason and I had read that they like busty blondes so i was one. =-) (hey it was a dream you know) I told them that they can all stay at the hotel I were staying at and I'll take them to Epcot Center to the England area (hahahahha!!!!! weird huh?) They slept over and the next thing I knew was that we were in a pub drinking and eating walkers crisps. Later on they Liam and Noel gave me their numbers, I got their autographs/pictures and um a couple of smooches and Noel was just about to tell me something but my alarm rang. (now that was a weird dream)

I don't quite remember this dream that well but here goes. It's another weird one. First off, I was in Manchester and liam, me and my whole class (?) was playing in on this grassy hill. Liam and I were laughing and rolling down this hill together when suddenly he started to cry cause he fell. (this was soo sad) I ran to him and made sure he was alright and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Suddenly the scene changes to Liam and Noel's house which I have never seen and it was a houseboat (hahahah!!) My class again were in there as well. Peggy Gallagher was cooking stuffing and beans on toast. This really krusty girl in my class was being an ass hole though singing stupid show tunes. I blocked out the rest of the class and I was sitting next to Liam and we were laughing hysterically and umm snogging as well. After a while I got this urge to look outside and there was Noel blowing me a kiss and then he jumped into the water. (?) woah that was a weird one.

This is a great one. I don't know where I was but I was sitting on a couch next to Meg Matthews. She was wearing stilleto boots, a beige skirt and a whit shirt. I was wearing stilleto boots, a white skirt and beige shirt. (?) My sister and someone else with her were sitting on the couch as well. I remember sitting next to Meg watching Noel on the telly and talking about how great and handsome he is. We were laughing hysterically about the times when Noel did this and that. Suddenly Noel came and said, " Come on girls" and me and Meg grabbed on the Noel's arms and then walked off. (it felt like Noel had two wives me and Meg) Well then i woke up.

From Brittainy
Okay my first dream was not too long ago, I only remember little bits of it but it was really cool. Okay Noel had come to my grandmas house for some reason and we hung out together and we were great friends, all I remember about this Noel Guy in my dream was that he had a humongous space between his teeth it was really weird.

Okay the second one was at school And noel and Liam had come to play there..Anyways, I remeber all my friends and some other people were sitting at a table and Noel was talkin to all of us and everyone was so excited. And I asked if Noel would give me a hug and he made this digusted face and gave me a hug of course I was hurt, and I remember seeing Liam only once, and he was lying on the ground face down sleeping becuase he was drunk and I could here him snoring. And it was just really weird.

From tommy_girl_x
I dreamt that I met all the members of Oasis in the streets somewhere. I think it was near an airport. Anywayz I got all their autographs and I was talking with them,(mostly with Liam). It seemed like Noel wasn't in really good spirits. Liam was the most lovable one. He kept picking me up and giving me kisses. Liam was the most happy one, always in high spirits and very talkative. Noel and the rest of them were the opposite. It was sort of weird. But I still love Liam, Noel, Guigsy, Whitey and Bonehead!

From LiamLvr
I was at my local mall because my friend heard that Hanson was playing there. I reeeeeally didnt want to go because I can't stand Hanson, but I went anyway thinking that while she was drooling, I could find some cool Oasis posters. So I was walking through the mall with my friend and we saw the huge crowd gathered around this really small stage. As they started playing, I told my friend that I had to go get something and that I would be back. So as I turned around to leave, Noel was behind me in a Spice Girls tee-shirt. He looked at me and said, "Hey. Watch this." He ran up to the stage hopped up on it and started beating the crap out of the older Hanson with the braces. Then out of nowhere, Liam, Guigs, Bonehead, and Whitey appeared and they started beating the other ones up. (Strangely no one tried to stop them) so after it seemed as if the Hansons were unconscious, the best band in the world got up on stage and played Supersonic and dedicated it to me. (Later, I found out that the alarm on my stereo went off and started playing Supersonic) but as the song faded, Noel started yelling my name, and I was like "yes Noel?" Then I woke up and found my dad trying to wake me up as I was going to be late for school.

From David
I was waking for the bus to school, standing at the door way. Then out of nowhere this big bus stops right at my house. Right in the window I could see Noel looking down at something then Liam comes and waves over-enthusicastically and so do the others. I remember banging on the screen door to get Noel's attention but he never looked up!

From Maria
I was in the USA, it was winter I think, so I was walking with my cousin around this shopping mall and then we saw there was a stage being set on the parking lot. So we went to see what was going on and we realised it was an Oasis concert, so I obviously stood right in the first row and waited. It was pretty small and there was few people. The opening act were the Spice Girls(!), who I saw like small angel-shaped ballons in a pink background(?). Then Oasis came in, I was really shocked and screaming, Liam was like 1 meter from me and I was desperately trying to grab his feet. Then I jumped onstage and kissed Liam, a long and really good kiss. He was surprised but he seemed to like it :) When the gig was over, he came down and we chatted two hours, then he gave me his address and phone number and asked me to write him!

From Digsybelle
This is probaly the best dream I have ever had. I was sitting at my house when my best friend knocked on my door. When I opened the door she had Noel and Liam!!!! She said it was a birthday present!!! I was so excited and they came in and me and Noel did a litte censored material. It was great!!!!

From Dapples
I was waiting inside my house for the bus to come one morning. Since the bus stopped in front of my house, I waited behind the screen door. Suddenly a long white bus pulls up directly across the street and I nearly died when I saw Noel Gallagher in its large window, sitting and looking down at something. Maybe a puzzle or a computer, but next thing I see is Liam. He waves with a beer in his hand. I waved like a lunatic while trying to open my door but it wouldn't open. Then Whitey, Boney, and Guigsy starts waving at the window. But Noel doesn't budge; it appeared like he didn't see me or something. So I was banging on me screen door trying to look up when the bus drives away.

My second dream was this: I was standing at a door in a room with the wall in bright colors. I opened the door to see Oasis sitting on the coach! They were shooting the "Don't Go Away" video. I screamed and they just looked at me like I had just slammed a hammer into my toe!

From Jo
It was about 2 years ago: I was walking along the road near Liam and Noel's houses in London and then suddenly I was outside Supernova Heights and the door was open. I walked in and there was a girl smashing up Noel's stereo equipment in his living room ! I decided this was wrong so I told her to stop but she wouldn't. Then I grabbed her and she flew out of the window...Then Noel walked in and I was standing there with all this completely trashed stereo equipment. He just said ''What the fook ??'' and raised his eyebrow at me. I told him the whole story and he asked me if I wanted a cup of tea. Liam arrived as we were going into the kitchen and sat down with us at the table. Then I woke up!

I was at my school,which is single sex (girls only) but there was this lad walking along the corridor and I thought 'he's nice' and it was Liam, but he was only about 17.He said hello and then the 'next day',in my dream, he held hands with me and he was the only boy in the entire school. He gave me a gold ring and he was wearing a jacket done right up to his nose, walking in the usual way. Suddenly he kissed me and all my friends were watching! Then I woke up!
Send your Noel/Oasis dreams here!